Is it normal i believe witchcraft made my life better

Hey there, I’m 19 and very introverted, I have had anxiety problems for a large portion of my life and went through a lot of self hatred.

Early this year, I was at rock bottom, about 50 pounds over weight and cried every night. I had lost every friend I used to have from just not having the energy to go out or talk to anyone, and spent a lot of times just playing video games and declining in my classes. My job wasn’t paying me enough to pay my bills, and I was terrified of my public appearance.

I was hopeless. Then I decided to take a risk, and I started to study witchcraft.

I began trying little spells here and there, researching herbal healing and self betterment rituals.
I’ve lost 30 pounds and I feel energetic, my skin has cleared up and I have the confidence to put myself out there and excel. I owe so much of this to my craft, and it made me feel like I was taking my fate into my own hands through physical actions and magick.

Maybe it’s just my new found determination through enhancing my craft, but I wish I could teach others about how powerful witchcraft really is.

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 17 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • ellnell

    Of course. Herbs alone can do great things for your health. Visualization as well as meditation can turn your entire life around, those things even get suggested by therapists these days.
    Witchcraft is basically just these things. It's not magic like in the fairytales but just taking control of your life and changing your mindset etc. Once those things were considered strange and evil because you were supposed to only listen to the church and follow the bible, not think for yourself, especially women! Nowadays they can prove the difference that your own thoughts make on how your life pans out and witchcraft is basically just being very aware, very grounded and knowing the importance of manifestation and that nobody but you are in control of your own emotions.

    Some people still think there is something dark in taking control of your life and bettering yourself and taking care of the nature and its animals (which is also a common practice for witches), for some reason.
    Just keep at it. Continue living a natural lifestyle and doing what you call self bettering rituals. You're not the first person who has thrived from it... Just remember to keep it positive.

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  • dimwitted

    That's the beginning of every horror movie. The good shit happens to draw you in and then the bad shit hits the fan.

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  • Nikclaire

    You became interested in something which got you out of you head and involved in something that gave you self esteem. As a result your depression lifted, you lost weight and the snowball effect has your life looking up. It's amazing what happens when we step outside ourselves. Keep it up 😊🙏

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  • --

    You self placebo'ed yourself. You got so involved in this crap you started tricking yourself to being better, its probably how half of metal health medication works. Don't get me wrong though placebo is just as effective, what I mean is that your witchcraft nonsense may have worked, just differently to how you think.

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  • DIO

    It happens all in the head. Nothing to do with witchcraft, really.
    And stop cutting. That's stupid.

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    • Cutting?? I didn’t say I was cutting

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      • DIO

        Sorry, I was reading another post at the same time. But the rest is for you.
        You have that strength inside you. It is not witchcraft that gave it to you.

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  • Hubbard

    Yes it’s normal. Although I would be careful of talking about it out in the open, it could have a negative affect on your magic if you’re talking about constantly, law of silence and everything.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yall hadta skip the magic and go straight to the magick?

    thats drastic

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    • Magick is the correct terminology in Wicca and Witchcraft.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        really im just bein a smartass

        i dont believe in anya that stuff but whatever placebo works for ya im glad it did

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  • DestroShinigani

    i believe witchcraft exists, however studying into it is one of the worst things imaginable. i've watched people ruin their own lives the moment they began making pentagrams, using them to sacrifice others and go that far just for them to feel like that. if i were you i would stop before it is too late.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Look up the law of attraction. Conor McGregor has a lot of video interviews on it

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Ahhhhhh the power of placebo. You mean to tell me witchcraft made you lose weight? Hahhahahahhahhhaha this is pathetic.

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    • I believe witchcraft gave me the confidence and energy it takes to do what is needed to lose weight.

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      • Clunk42

        I don't see a problem here, doesnormalmatter. OP is contacting the Devil so that the Devil can do their dirty work. Of course, in exchange, the Devil will want something back.

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        • ellnell

          Lol the devil. There are still people who think that taking control of your own life has to do with the devil. So meditation, visualization, the use of herbs, love of nature and self care are inspired by the Devil.
          Well shit call me a satanist I guess!

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          • Clunk42

            None of those have to do with the Devil. I'm referring to the part where OP mentions "spells."

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