Is it normal i bite my lip and tongue to taste blood?

Like the title says, I have an unhealthy anxiety coping...mechanism.

I bit my inner lip and tounge until it bleeds and I taste the blood. The pain is calming in a way, and helps distract from whatever is making me anxious.

I want to stop, it’s not healthy. I just can’t!

Is it normal???

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 7 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • DaddySaidStayAwayFromJuliet

    Nah I do this, I have emo phases and that’s the only thing I can do to deal with it lol. You’re probably not normal tho coz I certainly ain’t 😂

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  • BlindSpot

    It's like when people bite their nails... but worse. Try not to hurt yourself.

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  • brutus

    Its not normal. Take something for your anxiety such as benzos plus antidepressants.

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    • BlindSpot

      Benzos have addictive effects and antidepressants come with MANY adverse effects. Although you're right - he/she will probably need these meds to prevent self harm. I also recommend you go for some sort of behavioural or psychotherapy /counselling to find out how to address the subject of your anxiety

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