Is it normal i can't along with anyone?what disorder do i have?
Stuff that gets me screaming and irate
cashiers looking at me weird
My fibromyalgia
My sister not turning the close caption exactly when I wanted her to because she was peeing.
my sister saying I don't want to fight with you when I asked her to move out of my way.
My sister my new roommate , thinks she has a right to watch tv at night and pee and shower when she wants.She is not paying any rent and is a slob.My stepson likes her.
No one follows my ocd rules about germs seriously
The dog barking
Any loud noises whatsoever .
all of my coworkers are slackers. I have to get them in trouble at work.
When people mumble or talk too fast
when my fiancé does not move fast enough
My fiancé spending 20 dollars on his son.
when I KNOW my stepson was lying about where the remote was and it ruins the whole eveing because it turned out he was telling the truth.