Is it normal i can't concentrate at all?

I've been having a bad headache for the last few days, It feels like a dull, pounding sensation in my head that starts up and stops every few hours. My eyes seem to go into double vision too, whenever I close them for more than a second; forcing me to re-open them and try again. I've also been having pain in my temples and behind my eyes.
For the last day or two I haven't been able to concentrate at all- I have a job where thats an important factor, and I can't do anything without feeling lightheaded and like my head is empty. To describe it it feels like my head is full of melted marshmallows, and I'm trying to get around it to get the thoughts through. Is this normal?

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 10 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • have_a_good_day

    nigga that's fucked up.but you wanna know what's even mo fucked up? da fact that society frowns upon a nigga who actually takes some time off work for sickness. we live in a world where da master of puppets feels nothin for da marionette dangling from his strings.
    we, as niggas and hoes, should start to normalize making being sick acceptable and not force ourselves to work like good lil puppets for this money crazy mothafuckas

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  • ellnell

    Yeah I get that sometimes it's usually eye strain or tension headache from stress. You might also need more sleep, and remember to eat and hydrate enough. Get up and walk about once in a while if you are sitting at a desk a lot and do some neck/shoulder stretches. If you have no other symptoms you're most likely not sick.

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  • Somenormie

    If it is bad then the first point of contact should be your local doctor.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    brain tumor

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    • Unhinge

      Very much hoping thats a joke :(

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        sort of and i hope it aint true but this kinda shit is beyond the purview of isitnormal

        if its that bad yall should be seein the doctor not internet weirdos

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