Is it normal i can't figure out my race?

So, this is the weirdest thing but I have no idea what race I am. I have light yellow-ish skin, very very dark hair (looks black in most lights, sometimes a slightly lighter de-saturated brown) but I don't believe my parents have any of the same traits. My father and mother both are caucasian, have brown hair and light eyes, but I look completely different. I also have very almond eyes, and a lot of the time unless my eyes are like; wide wide open I have monolids. People assume I'm half asian when they meet me, and I've been referred to as it many times, but I don't know why I look this way or really.. what I am? I don't know my parents family's or histories well, and don't know where they come from, I just know me and my brother look totally different from my parents, despite us being biological, and I really need some closure on whether its just wacky genetics or something else to come to terms with myself.

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73% Normal
Based on 11 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Get one of those genetic testing kits.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      That’s what I was going to suggest, just look up how to do it with a fake name and information so they don’t know the DNA sample comes from you.

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  • litelander8

    My eldest son is “black irish”. Pitch black eyes, dark hair, and dark skin despite being the product of two pasty muthafukkas.

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  • 5555Fives

    Could you show us an image of a person that resembles you?

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  • darefu

    Ask ?

    Hey mom did you have an asian mail man or pool boy before I was born?

    It will either open up a family heritage discussion or start a fight between mom and dad.

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  • ibrokemyds

    are any of your extended family foreign? my grandad is egyptian and i got a fuckton of those genes even tho the rest of my family is white

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    • I don't actually know any of my extended family :(

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Uh you are what your parents are hate to tell you that. When your Mom and Dad got together, they made you, you didn't just magically appear.

    If you truly don't look like them, get a DNA test

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  • asdfssadlmfsalkfasdf

    Races aren't clearly defined.

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    • but they are.

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      • asdfssadlmfsalkfasdf

        But if you're pale, and have black hair, what's your race?

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  • raisinbran

    You're adopted.

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  • LloydAsher

    Look at your skin color and eyes maybe cheekbones if you get desperate. Compare to the closest race and identify

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  • Just do the thing. Its only 73$. Let us know.

    According to my grandmother, we were african, Jewish, Irish, and natuve Americans. When the report came back, it turns out that we were irish, Norwegian and spanish... mostly Irish and Norwegian.

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