Is it normal i can't find a relationship and i feel lonely af
I have plenty animals but I have never experienced a relationship and I crave intimacy.
I want a love story like Happiest season 😩
Hows it even possible when I tried everh dating app under the sun for years as well as been to lgbt clubs and bars which were not my fortay and no one asks me out anyway.
I'm old fashioned and I wanted chivalry or at least I would be chivalrous and court the lass 🌹
Id but her flowers and take her on cute dates with wine by the sea side.
I just wanted someone who is confident on their sexuality, is loyal and monogamous, honest and makes effort.
I'm tired of all my female friendships being one sided or at least I make most the effort. I rewllt just wanted someone to pursue me. Women seem backward in coming forward when it comes to same sex dating so is this the issue and do I ALWAYS have to make the 1st Move!? 😏😬