Is it normal i can't go out my apartment door if there's someone outside?

Yeah so I guess I know it's not normal. Just looking for if it's something common.

I'm currently stuck inside because there's someone doing work either outside or on the stairs somewhere. I don't know for sure, cos I can't go out. Cos they might see me. Then I'd feel sick and ashamed. Ashamed of what? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm trying to keep quiet incase they realise someone's in here.

I don't even know why that would be a problem. I know they wouldn't give a damn, they're busy working or whatever. But what if they do?

It's the same with my neighbours. I can't go out if I know they're out there. I'll wait until I can't hear them. I hate taking out rubbish incase they catch me. I'd be mortified. So I run out and almost trip trying to hurry.

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Comments ( 31 )
  • VioletTrees

    I used to hide when the doorbell rang.

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    • Energy

      I still do, lol.

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      • asdfghjklxo

        Me too haha.

        If I'm alone I just ignore it... if someone else is in I have to let them get it.

        I'm always picking up parcels from the depot because they think no-ones in and leave those 'sorry, you weren't in' cards lol.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      Are you a cat?

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    • I freeze and panic until they leave, even though it's obvious someone's home. Last time it happened, I later found out I'd even left the keys in the door so it was probably a neighbour trying to tell me that. But I couldn't open the door. :/

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's never bothered me, then again, I am impatient.

    But I hate it when people linger somewhere near my door. We have a whole courtyard and you insist on lingering near my door where I can hear your incessant babble. You're stupid.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Ughh, I hated living with a door that opened to the alley on the first floor right down the road from the bar. Stupid drunk bitches all night, just screaming and wooing and puking on my tree.

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    • disthing

      I happen to have a lot to babble about, and don't think I don't notice your curtains twitching constantly!

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    • I'm impatient...which probably adds to my anxiety levels, like having to wait seven fucking hours today. Now I have to do all my shopping at tine all the neighbours are likely to be about. Blah.

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    • Lol.

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  • Gentil

    I usedd to have this same feeling when I was younger, but smoother. Do you feel insecure with your appearance or something like that? Do you have any kind of social phobia?

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    • Yes, but tht doesn't bother me much. I'm not sure how to explain.

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  • Steve92

    Are you scared that they would kidnap yo, cut you into pieces and sell your body parts? Well, you better be!

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  • if your place was on fire and the person standing outside was a fireman you'd leave with arms wide open

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    • charli.m

      Haha true, I'm not totally stupid ;)

      Just a little bit crazy :)

      It's actually been ok in the last few weeks. I guess cos I got caught taking out rubbish and didn't die on the spot haha.

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  • DameInDistress

    I always answer the door:D

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  • Retard73

    Me too bro, i always afrajd somone wil rejp me if i goe utsajd

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  • openocean

    it's normal but it's sad! don't be ashamed of yourself, it's okay!

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  • sissycakes

    I am the same way, don't worry about it. It's normal for a lot of people.

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  • emilydoll

    Insecurity :/

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  • q25t

    I'm not quite this bad but I do something similar. I think it's something to do with the fact that I want my apartment to be the place I go to simply to be safe and I feel like strangers are the exact opposite.

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  • lc1988

    I would do this too when I lived in an apartment but just because I hated my neighbors. I would've punched one in the face but she probably carried a shank at all times. Anyways, I was just a hermit and got over it after I got my guard kitty.

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  • I use to do this until I started taking medication. Today I even went out for a run. I couldn't even walk to the mailbox without panicking that people might be around a few weeks ago.

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    • That's great :) I'm really happy to hear that you're doing better.

      I probably should go back to counselling. It's been a few years.

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      • I should have gone sooner. I want to see a counselor too but don't have the time yet. All I can say is that I realize how stupid I've been for making myself suffer when I could have gotten help a long time ago. That's not to say I don't have anymore problems but I've seen a tremendous change compared to how I was.

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  • Fammer3

    It's something social. This might sound a bit overreacting but you should try having more human contact, it will really work. Just work on your self-esteem and everything will be fine.

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  • dappled

    I can't see outside my front door. Apart from my bedroom, I only have one huge window in my place (which goes over two floors but isn't in the same direction as the door). So I sometimes listen at the door before I open it and if people are milling around in side the church, I wait for them to go away. Then I have another door to the whole church and I don't like it if people are outside smoking. I always take my rubbish out at unsociable hours.

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  • it sounds like you don't want to be bothered too

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    • I still function. I work a steady and responsible job with hours that allow me to come and go when neighbours are not around. I do throw out my rubbish, it's not stacked to the ceiling because I don't bother to take it out. I go out for groceries, gym, appointments and socialising. I just don't want to be seen between my door and the street.

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      • well then i just don't know

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  • ry1987x

    I'm also going through the same thing right's social anxiety. I wait till night time to do things like take out the trash

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