Is it normal i can't seem to get what i really really want

Maybe what I really want is a mirage.I clawed and scratched my way to the top. I made myself from nothing. I have a great family, and give alot to charity.When I was a kid we were so poor I use to looked through garbage cans at school so I wouldn't be hungry. I am not an addict like my parents.I did Step on a lot of people to get there.Sold my soul to get what I wanted. Gave everything I had and more to help people and all they remember is the bad I did. I just what this one more position in life. If I could get would complete me.I am a warrior an almost champion and all they see is a liar.I couldn't have tried any harder.

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39% Normal
Based on 18 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • ajayllg

    Do you sell used cars?
    You need a new challenge and a hooker to suck all the negativity out of you, good luck

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    would the one more position involve yalls wife bein elected president?

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  • vettish

    You need to talk to a proffesional; now. We all have needs and wants. The thing is you feel your life will be complete if only you can this one thing you need to feel complete. Then if you obtain that one thing you realize that it wasn't what you thought it would be and so you go searching for something eles. Be careful what you wish for.


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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    So tell us what you want. What you really, really want.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      they want a zig a zig aaaaargh my leg fell off.

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  • Paigiepoo

    Missing a piece. Confront your guilt... Nobody knows but you

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  • mysistersshadow

    We are often unhappy when we get what we have strived for. I'm sorry ppl can't see the good that you've done it makes it difficult to keep giving. But don't give up life can take a turn at any time usually when we least expect it. :)

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