Is it normal i cant let go

He gives me all the attention and he remembers everything I tell him. He is also demanding and he has emotional outbursts and doesnt trust anyone. Its a shame because we connect better than I do with most. He reads me freakishly well. I feel that is a special thing... I am not easy to read you know. Everyone says they dont get me and im mysterious...

I feel like he is meant to be in my life. Things always happens prove it. Like now in 2 weeks I need to watch a family members house while theyre on vacation and this family member lives right next to his street...This never happens usually. Currently we are on good terms following each other but not talking.

This man is everything i've wanted in a future partner aside from the toxic traits. I am very confused from this because theres a "new" man in my life. He is great but we dont connect. We struggle with communication. I am already not good at communication and the new guy makes it worse but hes a good guy but not a doormat/simp and theres a shortage of those in my experience. Its all very difficult. You think it can be faith with someone even if they are toxic? Can it be fixed? Or I should not even think about it and move on and date the new guy or no one?

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40% Normal
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Comments ( 1 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yeah I say try it

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