Is it normal i cant swallow anything

Ive had a cold but today I felt better but then when I took a sip of water it got weird I lost my breath I felt like I needed to breathe like panic like I was going to choke, I couldnt control it I had to go spit the water out and I cant drink water now. I can take tiny sips if I let it sit in my mouth for a few seconds then I can swallow it and then I feel out of breath. I cant eat either.
I maybe will get a ride to the ER so I can see someone but I worry what they will do with me and all that and if they want to test me for corona because I dont want a stick in my nose and if they arrive with the stick I will get up and leave to be honest-

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Comments ( 7 )
  • kelili

    Ask yourself what a stupid person would do in your place and do the contrary.

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  • noid

    Are you the one that’s posted on here a few other times in the past about problems swallowing?

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  • sweetone89

    It sounds like your throat muscles aren't working. I'd call my doctor.

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  • bbrown95

    This sounds like a concerning issue that you should take seriously and see a doctor about, whether you're expected to get a COVID test or not. You need to be able to swallow.

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    Sorry that you are feeling ill and all that stuff but grow the f up, sometimes the dics have to do tests and that's just the way it is.
    If you aren't going to help them solve your issue then don't waste their time and leave the A&E department to deal with real Accidents and emergencies.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    you have rabies

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  • Cliche1234

    Sounds like something worth worrying about yourself. I would go the hospital ASAP rather than thinking about making post on this shithole of a website if anything abnormal happens to my body.

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