Is it normal i cant tell side effects from imagined anxiety symptoms
I took the vaccine like 2 hours ago and I was so nervous they asked me twice if i'm okay. I was rocking my leg so intensively it probably looked like I was having a leg seizure or something.
Then the shot hurt like a bastard, shots never hurt for me but this one was truly painful. Before I took the vaccine I felt sick, had a headache, muscle pain in a leg for some reason and my throat felt stiff and tight as it often does due to me always being tense and/or anxious. Now my throat feels sore and my mouth is dry, tbf its a hot day and its not the first time this week my throat is dry. Im just worried. There is no way i'll be able to tell any difference between a side effect and psychosomatic symptoms. I mean early this year I took a pill to relax my anxiety and since I have a phobia of allergic reactions I dont like taking pills or eating new foods so even though i'd taken the pills multiple times before I convinced myself I was allergic so my tounge actually went a little numb immadiately after I took the pill which doesn't even make any sense but whatever. I insisted on going to the ER because I was dying but obviously I wasnt and they wouldnt even lt me in there because I was normal and they checked my oxygen levels which were fine. So now im pretty concerned. If I could choose I would've spent the night at the health centre TBH.