Is it normal i cant touch cotton balls?
I have this fear, where i cant touch cotton balls! Some people get this feeling when hearing nails on a chalk board, but i feel it not hear it. I nearly cry even looking at one.
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I have this fear, where i cant touch cotton balls! Some people get this feeling when hearing nails on a chalk board, but i feel it not hear it. I nearly cry even looking at one.
It sounds like a phobia a friend of mine's mother is afraid of ketchup and she does the same when she sees it. Her son chased her with a bottle and she cried profusely and forced me to leave and others to leave. You should probably talk to someone about it. Do cotton swabs or cotton shirts make you feel the same or just cotton balls?
i can't either! i absolutely hate them. the whole chalkboard thing never bothered me, it's the feeling i get from ripping apart a cotton ball. i get goosebumps and it makes me kind of sick. thought i was the only one!