Is it normal i disagree with gun control people because of the mind set?

I disagree with those who believe in gun control not because I care about guns but the mind set. The mindset is to treat the after math not the actual events leading up to it. Its not very investigative. Its about as useless as the Salem witch trials.

This type of ignorant mind set does not aim to fix problems but simply to point blame and ignore the internal problems which might have caused it. Now shootings are always bad and should not happen but no one asks WHY they happened. They just assume that whoever committed the act is a terrible person. They dont even question how these people got the weapons to begin with.

When we have a murder they investigate everyone. The family, the lovers, and all business associates. We don't say "Well the gun is guilty. Case closed". I really dislike the mind set saying that we shouldn't investigate anything. Than point blame without first getting all the facts.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • The gun is neutral it can be used for good or evil. The person who used the gun is at 100% fault to blame.

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    • So I guess you don't believe in self defense. If a female is being raped and kills the rapist trying to stop him they are 100% at fault and should be in prison for Murder?

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      • I believe in self defense. Thats a situation where the gun was used for good. But the gun didnt kill the guy she did.

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        • So if someone is attacked and kills defending themselves whos fault is it? The person attempting to hurt them or the person for not wanting to be harmed?

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          • It depends you cant generalize every experience, its not all black and white. Say if a man tries to hookup with some guys wife in front of him and the married guy punches him in the face that doesnt give the other guy permission to pull out a gun or knife and kill the guy. If its a fist fight and someone pulls out a gun out of self defence and kills him thats his fault because he was to pussy to use his fists.

            But whatever the case the inanimate object is never to blame the person who used the weapon is 100% responsible for the death of the other person. He killed the person the inanimate object didnt.

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            • You made a black and white statement. You said its 100% that persons fault always. I presented a situation in which this might not apply. Also your case does not apply since that is attacking out of rage(Not self defense). That would be assault, murder or attempted murder.

              You should know the difference between self defense and when its out of rage. Its a huge difference. Killing out of self defense is when you had no other choice. Like if someone is being raped and lets say she smashes a lamp over his head and he dies. She killed him but she only did it to save herself.

              Is she guilty of murder? I am not the one who said anything is black and white. You are the one who is putting it in that type of perspective. So you should realize that things are not always that simple and there is such a thing as "extenuating circumstances".

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  • dinz

    I completely agree with you about people jumping at the conclusion that the gun is at fault and need to look at the root cause/s but I believe that access to the weapon should be factored into the investigation.

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    • Dragostea

      Agreed. Regulate who has access to guns, not what guns law-abiding citizens have access to.

      The only people who care about the legality of their firearms are those who aren't planning on murdering anybody.

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    • I agree.

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  • I live in Wyoming and anti-gun control is a big deal here. I have the same general mindset of my fellows; strict gun control is only taking guns away from innocent people. The bad guys are going to get guns no matter what, and then the innocent people shall be defenseless in the face of evil.

    There are MILLIONS of gun owners who did not shoot anyone yesterday, or the day before, etc. Taking guns away because a few people abuse them is like punishing the entire class for the actions of one dumbass who the entire class hates. Not only that, but the people who abuse guns will still get them!! Can you say black market, people?? Come on now.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert Heinlein

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  • jeebley

    It's easier to address gun control than it is to address what made these people want to kill in the first place.

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    • Even if it is that does not fix the issue. Since its just going to happen again. If you do not stop the factors that caused it than it will repeat again and again and again. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it". This is what they call a band aid solution. Band aid solutions can not be used for this type of thing. Now sometimes its just something wrong with the person but a lot of times it isn't.

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      • jeebley

        I see what you're saying about it being a band-aid solution and not treating the real issues, but stopping the underlying social factors is next to impossible and just isn't going to happen. It's more realistic to use this 'band aid' solution when lives are at stake.

        And anyway, access to guns IS a huge factor in what causes it! (Of course).
        Learning from history? Learn from other countries who have brought in tighter gun restrictions. Gun deaths are much, much rarer there than in the US. So basically, being entitled to owning guns comes at the cost of many lives a year (2/3 of which are suicides btw).

        Conversely, I definitely don't think people should be able to start hacking away at your bill of rights.
        And if I lived in a country were so many people owned a gun, I would sure as shit want one too!

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        • Dragostea

          "Learn from other countries who have brought in tighter gun restrictions. Gun deaths are much, much rarer there than in the US."

          Correlation does not imply causation. The countries that banned guns already had a far lower murder rate than America. The gun ban didn't lower it any more. This is especially true of England, Australia, and Ireland.

          Scroll to about 90% down the page; it talks about some statistics regarding pre vs. post ban England and Australia.

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        • Its not impossible. In fact people did try to make a change. You just need people aware its happening and you need people to step up and try. Why they created the "No bullying" campaign.

          There has always been bullies but it has been just recently that they have taken steps to stop it. Change is not impossible. You only think it is since you never seen it.

          If there is a lot of fights in a school since they have no school security a simple solution is Add security.

          I went to a school where they had no supervisors after the bell rang and children would always get in fights during passing. Since the teachers went back into class after the bell so if you got to class on time was a matter of luck.

          Also suicide has nothing to do with guns AT ALL. If you think so you know nothing about suicide. There is many ways people kill themselves. Stuff like guns is mostly used by men, while stuff like hanging rope and cutting to death, and overdose is used by girls.

          You need to really take a psychology course. There is so many factors that goes into suicide. Most of them mental factors. There is also many ways people have killed themselves. Since guns are usually the mans choice you are excluding most of the female gender. Girls kill themselves too you know. You should study psychology.

          Believe me you are going to get a much better picture of what suicide is and why people do it if you study it. I guess not all people care about psychology though and I guess this is the reason for your ignorance.

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          • jeebley

            Well I hope you never got bullied yourself. And if you did, at least you didn't shoot anyone! lol Just kidding.
            I like your attitude about change though, for sure it is possible to make positive changes in the world.

            As for gun control, I can see both sides of the argument and I don't have a strong opinion on it. But I understand your frustration. Maybe it would be like banning alcohol because some people are alcoholics. There's underlying reasons why they are alcoholics and they should get treatment. But for everybody else it's not a problem, so why should they suffer? It's not the alcohol's fault - as most people don't have a problem with it.

            Haha... Ok.
            I replied to the unedited version.
            I mentioned that 2/3rds are suicide just because I thought it was interesting.
            I wrote it to support your argument, if anything. So don't react so aggressively; I'm not attacking you at all.
            It means that 2/3rds of gun deaths are not even criminal offences. I just think that's important to note... I was not trying to blame guns for suicide!

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            • Well they did try to ban alcohol and it failed miserably. Also if you are going to get rid something you cant just straight up ban it. You have to slowly put restrictions on it till no one does it anymore. So straight up banning everything is not a reasonable practice. Banning never works.

              Even if I thought about shooting up a school when I was a child I would never done it. Even if I was being abused and used I never break the rules unless I had no other option. I usually followed what I am told.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The point of logic that annoys me the most about the gun control agenda is that we don't really NEED guns. I don't NEED my M4 that I am professionally trained to use anymore than my neighbor, who has had a driver's license for two months and who drinks and drives NEEDS a gigantic, hulking SUV. If we are to be disallowed from owning or having the right to things we don't need then well, let us phase out every deadly object that can be used as a weapon or has been used to inflict casualities, purposefully or accidentally.

    I can agree with some of the restrictions they pass but I can't agree with the mindset that my valuing my right to have and own my sporting firearm makes me a gung ho, overly patriotic potential killer. Let's see them illegalize your potentially dangerous hobbies and see how quickly you are to whine about it.

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    • I actually brought up this point before as well. If you are going to ban everything that can be used to hurt someone why not knives, or pens, papers, or pencils, or frying pans, or forks.

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