Is it normal i do nothing but lay in my bed, looking at pictures of gerard way?

The only time I really leave my room is to go to work, and, right now I'm on probation for failing classes, but otherwise, class is the only other place. If I'm not looking at Gerard Way, I'm either on this website, you tube, playing computer/video games or a shopping site. I don't really have friends so I don't get out much. Sometimes I go out with my parents, but most of the time I'm just locked up in my bedroom and on the computer. I have 169 pictures of Gerard and growing filed in a special folder on my computer, and a few more in other files. I know I'm a loner, but is there a border line? Is this normal?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 44 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • NoraBaker

    Hey, Iguana Princess, leader of the revolution against Godzilla, let me tell you something. For what it's worth, I don't think you are an absolute loner. You are a part of this community, or family, very dysfunctional family, as some call it. Many of us here on IIN are loners, may not have been the reason we got here, but definitely the reason we stayed. In a strange way, you sort of have some friends. Even people who have never talked much to you or me, know us. Some like us, others dislike us, openly even; and that's pretty much what life outside is like. My point is that even though you feel like you are locked in, you are actually practicing for when you go back outside, because the dynamics are exactly the same. Hopefully, there's some sense in what I tried to say to you and something good that you can take out of it! ;)

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  • Goomats

    You only live once. You will die one day, is this how you want to spend it?
    I am not going to lie, I've probably spent an inappropriate amount of time looking at Shaun Morgan from Seether. Also, I have seen MCR live and Gerard Way is a charismatic performer. But, alas, go live your own dream. Learn how to dress the way you want to look, go make friends, learn about other bands and other skills. Eventually, you will find yourself in a relationship with a sexy man of your own.

    P.S. If a former teenage-unpopular-rock-band-ghoul like me could make a lot of friends and get a sexy boyfriend, SO CAN YOU!!

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  • kittylitter101

    I don't like to use labels, but he's Emo. Or Goth. Whatever you wanna call it. But you're wasting your life pining over someone you won't ever be with.

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    • Emo/goth/punk/prep/hippie/nazi/whatever...he's sexy as hell! (And, besides, I think the emo/goth "scene" thing is hot anyway.)

      Anyway, I know I'll never be with him. Don't think I know that?! Gah! The dude's married and doesn't even know I exist, for Pete's sake! I just have an endless infatuation over him. Thing is, I just don't care.

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      • kittylitter101

        Then why even ask if it's normal if you don't care about what people think?

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        • Nerrrrr (fancy way of saying no). I was asking if it's normal that I don't do anything in a day. That I just lay in my room while most people my age go out with friends and do whatever.

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          • kittylitter101

            It isn't normal. You're becoming antisocial because of a figure you've idolized. Not good! As an antisocial myself, I know it can be easy just to hide away in your room and do nothing (or look at Gerard Way)all day. You should at least attempt to do something productive, or become more social.

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  • myweirdself16

    I look at pictures of Rob Diament like that. it's a bit of a problem, but I don't care that much anymore.

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  • la_la_la_la


    The less you socialise, the less you want to, & the less you want to ….... you see where i'm going with this, don't you.

    I'm disabled, & I've known other disabled people who do nothing but sit in their rooms looking at their pictures, because that's literally all they can do. They'd be thrilled to be able to live like you.

    Gerard Way will still be there whether you make friends or not.

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  • dappled

    I bet there are millions of people in the same position. My social life has taken a bit of a tumble too. Last night was the first time I've been out socially in weeks. I do live in a bit of a bubble. I don't think it's normal and I do think we both need to try harder but it is difficult, I know.

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    • I tend to be very awkward around people, too. Like, when I go to work, I dealing with people is always my least favorite. I don't know why, I'm just nervous around people.

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      • dappled

        I used to be really bad at it. I was very shy. Although really, it wasn't shyness, just nerves. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Everybody around me now thinks that I'm the kind of social glue keeping them all together, but the less I socialise, I notice it starts getting harder again.

        Honestly, getting out there and doing things makes it so much better. I can't expect you to do it until I start pushing myself too, though.

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        • Thanks. You're really helpful. I guess we both have to come out of the bubble.

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