Is it normal i don’t get most of monty python?
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I should be considered a fan of it or not. The majority of it I don’t get, but there’s some stuff in there I REALLY like.
For example, so far the part that made me laugh the hardest was when they were pretending to make a movie and a guy fought a stuffed lion. But everything leading up to that I just found boring and tedious. There was also one bit that confused me (in a sketch I actually liked a lot, Spanish Inquisition) where someone called another character “biggles” and the studio audience laughed hysterically. I had to look it up and apparently it’s the name of a character who wears goggles like the one in the sketch. Maybe if I knew what this was I’d get it.
Luckily I have an iPhone so if I’m watching on Netflix I can just look up any word I don’t recognize, and that actually happens a lot. It could be the fact this is a British show from the 60s and 70s, and I’m an American born in the late 90s, so it could be both generational and national differences. Plus there’s a lot of cross dressing in the show, and I don’t know about you, but there’s something about it that kinda creeps me out for some reason.
But I do like some parts. Some of my favorite sketches include The Lumberjack Song, Ministry Of Silly Walks, Dead Parrot, and Spanish Inquisition that I mentioned earlier. And I did see the movie Life of Brian a few years ago and liked it. I was thinking of watching their movies after I finish watching the show on Netflix, but I don’t know if I like them enough to own a pshysical copy of their movies. I just have a sort of love-hate relationship with them.