Is it normal i don’t wash my vegetables

They are pre washed before packaged, so why’s it even needed? Animals eat stuff in the wild without washing

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Comments ( 7 )
  • KholatKhult

    It’s not the ‘natural’ grime you should worry about, it’s all the chemical pesticides that you have to wash off

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  • Rocketrain

    First you don't clean your ass after using the toilet because animals don't do it.
    Then you don't brush your teeth because animals don't do it.
    Now you don't wash vegetables because animals don't do it 😂😛.
    This is the third post I saw from yours.
    Do your self a favour. Learn human and animal biological anatomy first before you prove your self to be stupid in the internet. Which you already have.
    Bacteria that active in human body and animals are different. Humans have the capability to digest big variety of food even tho, if you don't eat a certain food for a while such as meat when you eat after a sometimes your stomach will need huge amount of time and activity to digest it because certain food isn't common. If you eat dirty food regularly after some times stomach get used to it slightly by bacteria changing it behavior a little. But still we can't do food same as animals.
    Only because it's in a plastic cover that doesn't mean it's clean. plastic it self reacts with the bacteria of the food and make whole other things.

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  • Somenormie


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I worry more about the chemicals from the sprays than the germs.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    even pre washed ready to eat stuff like spinach poisons people from time to time

    its grown in shit and the people pickin for shit money might not be too concerned with sanitary practices either

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  • my_life_my_way

    Lettuce has soil in it

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  • idolomantis

    I usually wash my fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I just can't be bothered. If it looks clean then it probably is in my book. Salmonella and other contagions definitely freak me out, ngl. Personally I just haven't gotten any of that from plain fruits or veggies before. I HAVE had food poisoning several times, and it was always the result of people not knowing what the flying fuck they're doing when they store/prepare food. Yeah, I'm kinda glad not to be working in restaurants anymore lol. People need to learn how to pay attention since most of us don't enjoy vomiting everywhere and feeling sick for over 24 hours. Anyway.

    I'm not really scared of pesticides either to be totally honest. I believe that the fear of "pesticides" is largely the result of fear mongering. Yes, some pesticides are probably pretty awful, no doubt about that. Organic fruits and vegetables have pesticides too btw, for anyone who wasn't aware. I think they're just a little different...I guess.

    Seems pretty damn arbitrary if you ask me...I'm also no expert on this at all, I definitely don't have the names of any pesticides memorized, for example. I just remember the basic gist of a lot of things that I've read on the subject. Also, I live in the USA, so that's where I'm largely coming from in terms of my perspective.

    For all I know a fear of pesticides might be a very valid concern in other countries. I have a feeling it probably IS a very valid concern for a lot of people, just not so much for me and probably most others who live in the U.S.

    I could be wrong, so I definitely encourage anyone to give me more information if you have anything you'd like to say on the subject. Thanks guys.

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