Is it normal i don't believe in aufo's but i'm always looking to spot one?

When I was a child, there was a lot of talk about aliens and UFO's, even in my family. I was scared of them, and once I even had a dream that several UFO's were outside my window (they looked like the ones from the Galaga game for Atari 2600. My aunt also had an experience: she woke up in the night, there a bright light outside, she couldn't wake her husband up, and she was scared. She prayed, and if went away. She went out to her balcony and saw her neighbor from across the street. Next day, she asked her neighbor about, and the neighbor said he had seen if and was scared. My mom said when she was a child she saw one parked in a cemetery. She said the windows were very dark and tinted, and when she looked inside, it was very dark inside. My mom was born in the 1960... So this may have happened around 1970's. My dad is a pilot, and he says he once saw one heading toward his plane. It had a cylindrical shape and was turning slowly. He had to deviate the plane. I find gis story hard ti believe, but he's into UFO's (but I kind of accept my mom's and aunt's). Then there's my other aunt and her husband, they were really heavy into UFO'S for a while, but no experiences. So... Here's the thing. I don't believe in extraterrestrial UFO's, but every now and then I look up into the sky to see if I spot one. I think it's silly. Is it normal?

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82% Normal
Based on 38 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • deepdankstickygoo

    The truth is out there.

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  • chuy

    I don't believe in 👽👽👽 either. It's just a product created by weak minds or people with mental disorders.👽 are so fake.

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  • Nibblez

    This kind about all the planets in our galaxy... then think about how there areally thousands of galaxys... we can't be the only planet with life on it. There's no way that's possible.. so UFO'S could totally be real. Why not

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    • Think about the distances these UFO's would have to travel to get from one galaxy to another. How long would that take? How much energy? Howany supplies? It's hard to believe we would not spit them approaching.

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  • Grimmfan

    Too much proof out there to not believe anymore.

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  • TerenceTheTiger

    When I was a kid I really wanted to see a UFO and would convince myself that any moving light in the sky was a UFO. I even faked my own UFO photos with frying pan lids using a Polaroid camera to show kids at school.

    I think it's possible they're out there... somewhere.

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