Is it normal i don't count anything in dragon ball after cell saga canon?

Yeah I know people don't follow Dragon Ball anymore, most have grown too old for animes, I myself had stopped watching for years, and for newer anime fans there are great modern titles like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and all. But you see in the 1990s Dragon Ball Z when the English dub came it put anime in the map and singlehandedly made animes mainstream and popular all over the globe. And Japanese animes ever since grew popular and popular and even the creator of One Piece Eiichiro Oda credit's Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball series his biggest influece. As years past more popular series have been born but unquestionably DBZ was the one that made animes mainstream all over the world and at its time the most popular manga and anime series ever, it still is regarded as one of the best manga/anime series there is.

Now for me Dragon Ball I was introduced at the Sayan saga, and the best part was the Frieza saga, indeed I have never seen a colder, more cruel villain ever (I will leave a scene to explain), and then the story reached its climax with a villain called Cell and Goku's young son having a pass the torch moment and taking down Cell. Now I watched DBZ before the original Dragon Ball, but they waired the original DragonBall dub too and I was just amazed how Goku grew up from monkey boy to the baddest fighter ever. For me the series began with Goku and Bulma meeting and ended with Trunks returning to the future to finish his dimension's androids and cell. Villians like King Piccolo, Frieza, Cell and all there were always credibility and a big feel, something at stake. And Toriyama understandably wanted to end it all at the end of Cell saga, but fans kept wanting more and more, so he made the worst saga in DBZ history, the Buu saga to make people lose interest. And it sucked, Buu was the worst villains ever, a literal fat ink blob, just compare him to merciless tyrants like King Piccolo and Frieza, and you know exactly what I am talking about. The whole fusion dance thing, was a joke. Everything turned into a joke.

Then spawned the trashy DBGT series that thankfully no one considers cannon. Goku got reverted to a child, and while kid Goku was amazing in the original DB, we saw him grow, mature, age, childhood only happens once and can never be repeated, so the GT's version of kid Goku felt completely off and fake and unnecessary, and the story itself was just terrible. Now there is a thing called Dragon Ball super, which Toriyama got paid to actually call cannon but its being designed by brain dead kids (literally they said they hired inexperienced new people to make the stories and do the animations and those "young kids" were heartbroken at the lackluster reception). The story is too childish and goofy (its rated below G, while DBZ was TV 14 (even tho much younger kids watched it)). in the original series while Goku was at times goofy, when serious he was dead serious, but the seriousness is totally lost in the childish DBS. Everything after the end of Cell saga just plain sucks!

So why am I talking about a series that got past its prime 20 years ago? Nostalgia. When I was a kid in the 90s Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z was what my friends and I would always talk about through elementary and middle school. Then we moved on got busy with the hardship of life and all trash. In the Covid-19 pandemic, my work schedule is more flexible than ever before and I decided to rewatch some of the stuffs that made my youth amazing, like x files, power rangers and of course dragon ball z, and I honestly feel like a kid again, all the emotions, the values these taught about justice and truth always prevailing (not the way the real world works sadly) that build morals into us and all.

But to reanalyze on of the series that made my childhood magical and today makes me more nostalgic than anything that has done the past 20 years I have to say the real Dragon Ball series begun with kid Goku meeting up with Bulma nad the adventures that started, the pinnacle was when adult Goku got vengeance on the destroyer of his home planet, the slaughterer of countless innocent civilizations throughout the Universe and the killer of his dearest friends, the diabolical Frieza and the end was Goku sacrificing himself and passing the torch onto his young son Gohan who defeated the ultimate villain Cell. Everything after that was cheap nonsense just to gain more money from the once most popular series that ever existed, but everything post Cell saga is just a mere shadow of what the Dragon ball series was upto its greatest heights, its true end the Cell saga, nothing after that is cannon!

Anyway I know this is a tl.dr. sort of post, i don't expect my generation of people to follow Dragon Ball series anymore either, and new generation kids who are growing up watching Dragon Ball Super probably won't understand how great the old series was, and they have the belief that whats new is always better than whats old (they syre had it hard when Floyd Mayweather trashed Conor Mcgregor and proved why boxing will always be more popular that trashy mma) and I don't expect or need anyone to read all what i wrote here at all, just something I felt like writing and to get off my chest. Aso i will end this with a video of my most favorite scene in the entire Dragon Ball series that still gives me chills and makes me feel young again, as though its still 2001 and me and my friends are still watching this at one of our house and comprehending the biggest event in anime history (if only we still had the time to see each other today, let alone watch tv together anymore now in 2021), heres the scene (only for ex dragon ball z fans, if there are any left on IIN, I know there were some, but haven't been active on is it normal for a while either) bye now:

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Somenormie

    Yeah but TLDR.

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    • Grunewald

      Agreed. I love ANYTHING that involves Future Trunks but I just can't make myself like Super.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I loved every bit of the dragon ball series. I have seen every dragon ball movie and episode ever made. I do see what you're saying that Buu was the worst villian and Dragonball GT was also silly because Goku was turned into a kid which is just silly. I watched DragonBall Super and I enjoyed it because it brought back the characters who had been surpassed so much in skill by the sayians that they rarely were even worthy to compete. It was nice to see Master Roshi get back at it with his Kamehameha and see Krillin get back in shape and what-not. I enjoy all of the dragonball series but like you said its sold to the loyal fans as nostalgia. They have not done a good job and catching the attention of the younger generation.

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    • Yup reached its peak in Frieza Saga, and cell saga was the perfect ending with Goku passing the torch to Gohan. But Super made Gohan a total joke, and the former poplar characters like Roshi, Tien, Krillin momentarily did become strong but still can't keep up with super Sayan blue level, the only thing I enjoyed was golden Frieza, the Resurrection F movie was amazing, and they utilized it well on the show, but Goku teaming with Frieza was terrible and cringe, Frieza was the most unforgivable, amazing, heartless, brutal villian, even if Frieza teamed with goku for his own sake it still was trash, if anything after Cell saga deserves to be cannon, its the Resuraction F movie with Frieza returning to power, taking down everyone (still ahte how wimpy Gohan was) but then being humbled by Goku and Vageta and returning to hell being tortured by faries, now that's a perfect ending!

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Me and my wife were both pissed at how Gohan was portrayed. I forced my wife to watch the entire DBZ saga and DBS. She actually liked it a lot. But the way they made Gohan was annoying. I also dont like how in DBS there is no Super Sayian Jin 4. I say jin 4 because when I watched DragonBallZ and GT it was not yet in English and the subtitles always said Super Sayian jin 2 or Super Sayian jin 4.

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