Is it normal i don't know what

I don't know what to do.
This Christmas morning I looked out the kitchen window into the back yard and saw my 8 year old son hitting a pillowcase with a baseball bat. I went out to see what he was doing. The pillowcase had red spots on it that looked like blood and I became very afraid.
I asked him what he was doing and he said he had found a bunch of newborn kittens under the house and was playing with them. I didn't want to but I looked in the bag and saw the kittens all broken and bleeding. I sent him to his room and began to cry.
What should I do. I have to do something.

do nothing 0
take him to a psychiatrist 34
punish him physically 7
call the police 3
talk to him 5
institutionalize him 6
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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Send him to a psychiatrist ASAP! Maybe he's a psychopath? I hope he isn't a sociopath or a psychopath, but please prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Sadly what you've discovered there was a big red flag, the majority of serial killers and mass murderers start out torturing and killing animals.

    Sorry but there's nothing normal about killing newborns whether they're animal babies or human babies.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    How can any parent be prepared enough to do the right thing when this jumps up in your face? I think the best thing you could have done would be to take the kittens out of the bag and rescue and care for the ones that were still alive and bury the ones that were dead and talk to your son all the while, explaining how wrong that was and how much suffering these poor kittens were experiencing, and how sad the mother cat was going to be and compare that to how sad a person is when their child gets killed in an accident.
    He has to learn empathy and compassion and to have feelings for other living creatures. That can best be taught by you, his parent. You didn't say what you did with the kittens in the pillow case, but if you didn't try to rescue and care for them you missed a valuable teaching opportunity.
    I wouldn't call the police or institutionalize him, but for sure he needs talking to and counciling and monitor him closely in the future. You don't want him to turn out like Jeffry Dahmer. NONE of us do!

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  • green_boogers


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  • KingTermite

    Start by putting a pillowcase over his head...

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  • fetusfister

    Execute that lil shit.

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  • He's been institutionalized. The doctors considered him a danger to others especially his school mates.
    I used to visit every day but it's so heartbreaking I find myself looking for any excuse not to go. I love my son but I'm seriously afraid of him now. I wish his dad was still alive.
    What am I to do?

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  • lunchbag

    Please, for his sake and your own, take that boy to a psychiatrist. Your son's behavior could lead to worse if nothing is done about it. Do your research and make sure you're taking him to someone successful with a good reputation and happy clients. A good therapist can seriously help a person, whether it be child or adult. Most mental illnesses are able to be kept under control with therapy and medication (and I myself can attest for that). Just, please, don't ignore something like this. I would suggest talking about it as well, and letting him know he can tell you anything, and allowing him to be very open about telling you how he feels and how everything is going. It's good to be able to talk about mental health, it's really not something to be taken lightly, and you probably wouldn't want more less noticeable symptoms slip by you. I'm not saying you should invade his privacy and monitor his every move, but that it'd just be good if he trusts you enough to willingly talk to you about his mental health.

    Hope that made sense because i did not re-read it at all

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