Is it normal i don't like the progress pride flag?

Received a skirt with that ugly pattern from a friend when I came to visit. I later donated it to a thrift shop upstate.

The Progress Pride flag looks like someone took a shit on a rainbow and used that shit as adhesive to glue on the Trans Pride flag stripes. It's ugly and not pleasing to the eye.

Then there's the alt design that goes further and slaps on the intersex flag. One of my friends who's intersex hates that flag.

People have told me the brown and black stripes on it represent race. I'm pretty sure the normal rainbow stripes already represented the message that no matter who you are, you're welcome to the LGBT. I don't get the point of adding extra shit to it. Adding that extra seems to divide instead of welcome.

All the separate flags we have don't make sense to me either. Once you get past the ones that make sense like the lesbian flags, gay flags, bisexual flags, and transgender flags, there are just way too many. Some represent interests that make no sense being in the LGBT to me.

Also don't get me wrong, I appreciate gifts. Free stuff is nice, but the fact that it's THAT flag half the time bugs me. The other half of the time I get gifted the the bi flag(pink, purple, and blue stripe). They notice I wear the bi flag gifts but not the Progress Pride flag gifts and it bothers them. I'll simply say I don't like the way the colors look together when they nag me about it and somehow my answer is racist.

Is it normal I don't like that flag?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Anonnet

    Not LGBT, but I don't like the flag, either, so probably. Like you said, most of the colors on it don't really make any sense, and...

    ...frankly, I don't know what makes certain flags EXTRA important so that they get their entire flag pasted onto the Progress flag. Intersex is such an extremely tiny community that I don't understand why they're getting a huge chunk of the flag (there's 1.7% statistic flying around, but it's been contested on the basis of it's definition by another study, which said the real number is closer to 0.018%). Meanwhile, the Trans flag was added as if it's a separate community, but... it's not a separate community. As far as I know. Is it a separate community?

    Also, black people aren't even a letter on the LGBT string, why are we on the flag?

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah I think it's stupid, race has nothing to do with sexuality. I can understand the idea of being proud of your race despite the discrimination you can get for it, is similar to gay pride. And so I could see why the two movements would be allies. But I don't see why that means the two should be merged, and certainly not why the flag should be changed. Otherwise you could just tack on a whole host of stuff onto the flag, like disability pride, autism pride, physical deformity pride, etc. Those are all great things, and they're all similar in terms of acceptance, but merging them would be stupid.

    Technically, even the trans community shouldn't be a part of LGBT (although because it always has been, I don't really have a problem with it). Trans is a gender identity, not a sexuality. You can be trans, and also lesbian, gay or bi. And now since there are other gender identities nowadays, I think they should create one flag specifically for sexualities and one flag specifically for gender identities.

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    • Anonnet

      This is something that's always bothered me. It's not similar to gay pride and the two movements have never been allies. They're not the same and there is no overlap. LGBT pride only cares about race when that race is also LGBT. Black and brown were added to the flag in Philadelphia to represent African-Americans and Latinos, but only the gay ones, not the entire community.

      Again, racial pride is not the same thing, and it's not something that's only felt by non-whites. There often isn't anything defiant or liberating or life-changing about racial pride. There's often nothing you can deny and then accept. It's often not about courage or adversity or facing your family or friends. It's a physical skin color. Everything is already on the table, so the emphasis shifts to inner strength against relatively mundane but often more serious life struggles.

      That's not to say that LGBT people don't face that, just saying that that's not what you're hearing about from that community these days. If you don't believe me, look up a news source that focuses on LGBT and another news source that focuses on either blacks or hispanics.

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  • Pinkpickle

    While I like the flag and believe it's a good thing I have no interest in actually wearing it because I like to dress almost entirely in black. Currently I'm way into pastel goth and that's about as colorful as my outfits get.

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    • ospry

      Why was race dragged into it though?

      "What's your sexual orientation?"

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Wear the flag everyday so we know

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    • bigbudchonger

      "Backs against the wall"!

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  • Tommythecaty

    Post is far longer than a flag deserves.

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    • Wow3986

      So you're prejudiced against flags?

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yes, and against you.

        Fuck you wow.

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        • Wow3986

          So basically you don't believe in human rights or flag rights? Evil.


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