Is it normal i dont like to look into the eyes of other people while talking
When someone is talking to me and they're looking at me and i dont have anywhere else to look at, its frustrating to look into someone's eyes and speak.
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When someone is talking to me and they're looking at me and i dont have anywhere else to look at, its frustrating to look into someone's eyes and speak.
I don't like it when people are unable to look me in the eyes while speaking to me.
You should probably work on that because you're sending bad body language and won't be taken seriously. I know I struggle with maintaining eye contact sometimes when talking to people. For some reason, it just feels weird to stare into someone's eyes for more than a few seconds at a time for me. I get confused about how long I should maintain eye contact, or where I should look.
I don't necessarily like a lot of eye contact. I'm not untrustworthy but I'm kind of a pushover and I get intimidated sometimes.
I actually prefer to look people in the eyes when talking to them or being talked to by them.
I think it's normal to not want to though. It's often seen as a sign of aggression/confrontation to make direct eye contact with someone.
I don't like when people won't look me in the eye. I know they might just be intimidated by me, but it can be a sign of dishonesty or evasiveness when they won't make eye contact.
i feel this way, too. i feel so uncomfortable and uneasy making eye contact during a conversation. but I said yes, this is normal, because this is a custom in some cultures and it's actually considered rude to make eye contact.
I voted "yes" without thinking. To most people the answer is "no," it is not "normal." However, to me it is totally normal.
I do not mind looking MOST people in the eye. But certain individuals make it impossible. Namely, people who never stop smiling and never break eye-contact. They stare at you unblinkingly, while smiling away like a psychopath. I can't look those creepy bastards in the eye.
But I'm fine if the person is smiling but looking away now and then. Or if they have intense eye contact but are not smiling, so they just look attentive. It's the combination of the smile and groundbreaking eye contact I can't stand.
actually i cannot stare into someones eyes when they are talking to me. I want to say it distracts me from the actual conversation im having, but it just plain feels weird. I have a single lazy eye that will wander off to the side when im trying to focus my vision and i think people are/may be put off by it.
I stare at peoples mouths when they are talking to me though, is that okay?
If someone won't look me in the eyes, then I won't trust them, respect them or spend any more time around them than absolutely necessary. I will be expecting a knife in the back from a coward.
look at theys nose
it appears to the talked that yallre lookin em in the eye