Is it normal i dreamt this

I dreamt that my vagina got stitched closed at the hospital because it had a problem. After the surgery I was very in pain so I was scared the surgery had gone wrong or was unnecessary and I was scared I would not be able to pee but I could because the peehole was not closed only the rest of the vagina. Then I dreamt I met one of my old bullies on the beach and I had wounded my arm so she was going to help me by blotting alcohol on it and then just pour it down my arm but she accidently got it all over me at that point and I got some on my vagina so I had to hurry to the bathroom to wipe it off.
Ive never dreamt any such thing before im only looking for an answer from someone who can tell me what it means to my subconscious maybe

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Comments ( 2 )
  • ospry

    Getting your vagina sewn shut sounds like a fear of FGM, as sewing the vagina shut as part of FGM is sadly pretty common in east Africa, especially the northeast

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  • jethro

    Are you a virgin? Did you recently give up your virginity? Are you contemplating giving up your virginity? Were you recently molested or raped? It sounds like it has something to do with your virginity or not wanting to have sex.

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