Is it normal i feel different about teenagers irl?

In real life I get along with teenagers and like them.
Online it's a different story: they annoy the fuck out of me!

Why are they so different IRL compared with online?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • ilovetoiletrolls

    Because they say what's on their mind online and in person, they conceal a lot of who they actually are. Most also try to act more mature in the presence of people who are older than them.

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  • I appreciate your contructive critisism although I have to disagree, respectively. I don't believe maturity has much to do with having strong opinions or not. As far as I can tell, I only have strong opinions against things that are generally considered quite unnaceptable such as animal abuse, drug use, adultry, and other similar things. I will admit that I do tend to have very high expectations of people, mostly because I feel as if some people simply have no good reason to do what they're doing. Im going to use drug users as an example here. I grew up in a family that had a family member who was a user. I saw what it did to my family, so naturally I grew up hating drugs and unfortunately, everyone who uses them. I've made posts and comments on how terrible I think drugs and drug users are and it seems most people on this site defend them, along with people who cheat, kids who bully, and other things I generally grew up viewing as wrong. It is a pitty that to some my strong opinions or rather strong values come across as immaturity, but so far, only people on this site seem to think so. Anyways, I appreciate your input.

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    • Based on your response, you've completely misunderstood my point. But, like most teenagers, I'm sure you believe you know everything already.

      There's a difference between having a strong opinion and just being rude. When your comments go beyond stating an opinion, and they become aggressive and derogatory, you might want to check yourself. Rudeness is a weak person's imitation of strength.

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  • Not all teenagers are the same you know. I'm 19, so technically I'm a teenager although I feel years older than my actual age. I consider myself mature and I've only ever gotten along with those older than myself. My friends are in their early twenties and my boyfriend is 6 years older than me. I feel like most teenagers I meet or end up speaking to are self obsessed and immature. Most of the people my age who I went to highschool with are out partying every weekend and hooking up with a different guy every other weekend, posting selfies and other stupid content on social media sites all day everyday. I feel like I could never get along with people so utterly immature and it angers me when people hear my age and assume I too am self obsessed, irresponsible and compeltely out of touch with what really matters in life. I'm sure there are more teenagers out there that are years more mature than their age but I understand why most of them annoy you.

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    • Thanks for your comment.

      However, to be perfectly honest...
      As indicative of your comments on this site, it seems as though you are confusing being out-spoken and opinionated with maturity, among other things.

      Please, try to avoid be defensive when you read this reply. It is meant as constructive criticism only. I hope you are able to understand the point I'm attempting to make and use it to grow. It seems like your intentions are in the right places and you will understand me.

      You see, the teenagers who come across as truly 'mature' show a lot of empathy for others and they consider the bigger picture before making or voicing strong opinions. Being mature is about letting go of "black or white thinking" (Google this topic) and embracing the "grey" area in between as the truth of life.

      The reason why these things give the impression of maturity (more so than a teenager who simply has a "mature" lifestyle, bold opinions, and older friends) is because, with TRUE maturity, comes the realization that not everything is as cut and dried as the idealistic thinking of their youth. Years of experience in the adult world shows us that life is more complex than the narrow set of guiding principles we were taught as children. And, with that experience comes humility and compassion, not arrogance. That's why the teenager who displays empathy and humility seems years beyond their time, it's as if they've already learned this lesson.

      Rigid opinions/judgements makes a person seem like a youth who is trying to prove they're an adult, instead of just acting like one.

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  • Goomats

    Because teenagers can be smart, fun people, hence why they are pleasant in real life, but inside their souls they have such ignorant, petty confusion, hence the annoyingness online.

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