Is it normal i feel like i have a billion things wrong with me?
I can often not go out in the day as I hate how it feels to walk if my legs touch and hate people seeing my face if I feel ugly. Plus my personality preoccupies my time - whether im good enough, kind enough, too selfish, too boring, too eager to please, too self-satisified, too critical. Everything I say, I think about it in my head after. So many times people have treated me like im boring or weird. I hate my body sooo much and I cannot tell If I pretty or not but if i see photos of my self I plunge into an oblivion of depression. I have no energy to do anything or see anyone. I have such a complicated relationship with food its been so many years of starving and purging that i feel pretty hopeless I can ever be normal about food - everytime I eat bad it sparks another phase of staying in and not seeing anyone. I don't know if I have Body dysmorphia, depression, an eating disorder, social anxiety - which one if any? I think i need help but theres no one. Im sooo tired of having tangled myself up in all of this. I am not trying be a sob story but maybe other people feel similarly?