Is it normal i feel like i may never eat normally again and i am worried

I will try to be as short as I can . I have had an issue with my stomach for the last 6 months . I had trouble swallowing and getting food down into my stomach months ago .. the food would get "stuck in my chest" so naturally I was scared and sought help . I have been doing tests after tests and haven't really had any great results yet .. they don't see any obstruction or scarring so they feel maybe its the muscles not working properly or having spasms or something acid reflux related . I take pills everyday 30 minutes before eating to be able to get stuff down easier . this has affected me a lot and the fact that I still do not have a good answer or result for whats going on .. on top of the fact that means I have no solution to it yet .. I am getting really worried and obsessing over it thinking I will never eat normally again! I love food and not to mention sometimes its really bad when it feels hard to swallow even spit , loss of control in the muscle it feels like but ... now I just obsess over the thought I may never be fixed . IIN? sorry if this was longer than it should have been .

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19% Normal
Based on 16 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Perhaps your blender is going to become your best friend. Just cook up your steak, potatoes and corn, drop them all in the blender with a beer and, voila; a meal that won't get stuck in your throat!
    Works great with spaghetti and meatballs, too, but I'd recommend red wine instead of beer.

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    • Aries

      I hope this isn't my outcome , I am not a fan ... smoothies , protein shakes and margaritas is as far as I really make it with blenders happily .

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  • pixie44

    I have GERD and it's sort of like what you describe. The acid comes back up from my stomach and is really extremely painful. Its a burning feeling in my chest and throat. Sometimes causing me to throw up.
    What has really helped me is monitoring the foods that make me have this reaction and cutting them from my diet. Like spicy foods and fried foods. Also NOT laying down at least a couple hours after eating. Just try eating more healthy foods and see if that helps. And maybe try cutting gluten from your diet.
    If it still persists I would recommend trying to go to different doctors until you find your answer. Best of luck.<3

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    • Aries

      I think they suspect this could be the issue but I have little complaints in comparison to someone who knows they have GERDS . I don't often feel heart burn or acid reflux and I never have to throw up . I heard though that sometimes the patients never have symptoms and may still have a condition though so I suppose it cant be ruled out yet .. the main issue is I just have trouble swallowing and getting the food down to my stomach without getting stuck if I am not using the medicine , the domperidone . I swear I can actually feel the fatigue in the muscle , its like sometimes I have no control of it .. like if you were to work out until the point your just toast , the muscle is weak and useless after ... sometimes its hard to even swallow saliva when I have an episode of it bad , it just sort of runs down the back on my throat I feel I may choke on my own spit its pretty ridiculous sometimes .. so yeah mostly my issue is swallowing initially of things and then getting the food down completely . I do sometimes have some discomfort and pain in my stomach though odd times , sometimes some reflux a little so ... hey maybe it is? I hope to find out soon because I am so scared and just obsessing over it thinking I will never be normal again . I day dream of the days when I used to just eat as much as I wanted , fast as I wanted whenever I felt like it no medicine and it went down perfect ... I just want my life back :( thanks for the comments guys ... I will post any updates when they are in

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      • pixie44

        Okay maybe it's not gerd then. It sounds like some sort of muscle problem your correct. For right now I'd recommend drinking smoothies or something to help it go down better so its not so painful. But seriously keep trying different doctors until you find an exact diagnosis.

        Oh and i just did a little bit of google research for you
        Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing. Try researching that and see if the symptoms are similar.

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  • squirrelgirl

    It'd probably be a good idea to drink blends of fruits and vegetables to keep up your nutrition. Have you had an X ray or CAT scan? Have the doctors ruled out the possibility of a chunk of food or foreign object being stuck in your throat?

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    • Aries

      so far they have done an endoscopy with the camera inside me to check and they did rule out an obstruction and or scarring I believe she said there was a little scarring or damage it appeared but not enough to say anything bad . The dr believes it MAY have something to do with some anti biotics I had maybe a month before the issue but doesn't really know . I had a PH test recent where a tube was inside me for 24 hours hooked up to a monitor and I am awaiting those results . Who knows what could be going on , if its not acid reflux related then its the muscle itself causing dysphagia ( swallowing issue ) it could just not be functioning properly not pushing the food along like its supposed to or having spasms

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