Is it normal i feel like my only option is to disappear & start over bc rumors

older senile relative is telling all the neighbors and people in the community I hit her and I have sex with teenage boys. the cops are all best friends with her.she keeps lifting me up in prayer to people at her church my one friend who doesn't believe it is telling what she is saying.she keeps saying she is gonna get rid of me.she is convincing and people believe it.I keep getting hate mail from people who believe this shit.I have be uninvited to several events and several of my neighbours yell vile stuff at me as I walk down the street. She keeps threatening to call the police and have me arrested.It's ruining my life and I didn't get a job I really wanted because of what she said to the person who almost hired me. Can I get a new identity. I feel like I am in a lose lose situation.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • dreamchaser

    Move to different place, fuck that bitch, why so many females are so evil nowadays?

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  • Short4Words

    What gypsy said. Clear your name. People might think the same things but at least you got something for it.

    In the meantime here's a couple of suggested viewings. The movie 'The Hunt' which is about a man accused of pedophilia and his whole town turns on him. The other is a show on Netflix called 'Rectify' about a man who's released after 20 years in prison on the basis of insufficient evidence for a crime he may or may not have committed but most of the town still thinks he did it. Might not make you feel so alone.

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  • chained_rage

    Stab her. That'll teach her.

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  • TareBear20

    You need to leave her. She sounds like one mean bitch, especially because you never laid hands on her. You deserve better. You need to move far away from that street and maybe even a restraining order. Any girl who lies about being abused is an effin psycho and an asshole. Stick up for yourself and put an end to this. You're the one being abused in my opinion and I'm sorry you're dealing with such a shitty person .. :(

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  • thegypsysailor

    Have you got 50 to 100 grand for a new identity that will hold up in today's security conscious world? Even on the tiniest island we visit they have a scanner that checks everybody's passport.
    There are laws against libel and defamation of character. A lawyer is a hell of a lot cheaper than identity papers.

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