Is it normal i fertilize my home grown veg
Whenever I take a dump or go for a piss, I do it in my backyard, right in the middle of my cucumber plantation.
Works like a charm
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Whenever I take a dump or go for a piss, I do it in my backyard, right in the middle of my cucumber plantation.
Works like a charm
You need to dilute your pee with water at a ratio of 1:10 or you'll burn the plant roots!
For poop, you should compost it a minimum of 2 months to make it safe to use. Fresh shit it too "hot" just like full-strength urine, its too much to put directly in with your plants. Poop is also full of bacteria (you don't want it on your food or hands!!), but composting it properly takes care of that. You'll want to put sawdust, poop, sawdust, poop, etc in layers in a drum and age it, turning it occasionally until it doesn't reek and it looks like dark soil.
nexta my porch theres a big brown spot where i always pee off it
if i go away for a few months durin summer it grows in with the most humungous aggressive lawn
I use to be facinated by this. My friend had tjis giant garden and he'd get horse shit once a year and spread it into the garden. I always wondered why dont you just take a dump in it while ur at it