Is it normal i find american jury duty unconstitutional.
Is it normal I find jury duty unconstitutional. In my opinion it is no more then state sponsored slavery. Forcing citizens to commit to forced servitude outside the confines of legal punishment should be outlawed. Jurors should have the right to volunteer for this "civic duty". Not be forced to serve. Not to be threatened with fines and jail time. This is borderline both cruel and unusual.
Secondly, A jury is supposed to consist of ones own peers. What happens when you force a racist to be a juror when a black man is on trial?. Is that man being given fair and impartial trial?. Or a muslim radical on the trial of a jew. Does anyone truly believe these jurors who are forced against their will see the defendants as peers. Jurors are the only thing standing between a wrongly accused man and prison.
I've heard talk of making jury duty a profession. That jurors would have to have some form of knowledge of law. Being employed by the state and receiving the benefits of state workers.
I believe some of that is on the right track such as knowledge of law. However, once you bring money into the court room. It is only a matter of time before justice can be bought.
Citizens with clean records volunteering to make educated decisions. That is what I want. Not state sponsored slavery of the American people.