Is it normal i find it hard to respect anyone who has had sex?

I just can't bring myself to respect someone who has ever had sex. All I can think about when someone has made it clear that they have had sex before is a gruesome, cringy image of them with a dick in their pussy/vice versa, and making those cringy annoying "uhh, uh yeah!" Noises (moaning), and they probably swore at each other while they had sex and said things like "fuck me harder daddy" and things like that. And I just immediately cringe. This goes for anyone my age, or younger who has had sex, and any parents or grandparents. Especially if they act really "nice" or they are respected. All I can think about is that, and I cringe so bad. It's the reason why I would not give my seat for a pregnant woman. No, you don't command respect just because you fucked someone. I also hate special days like valentine's day, weddings, etc celebrating people who have/will have sex. I find everybody who has had sex extremely cringey and creepy. And no, I'm not jealous; I'm asexual, and I find sex disgusting, as well as those who partake in the act. This also applies to kissing. Whenever someone kisses someone, or I see it on TV, I turn away and make a very loud, rude noise in disgust. Sometimes I even leave the room. I physically can't take watching that and it makes me wanna throw up.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    As a fellow asexual and with all due respect, you really need to get over this. Sex is or has been a part of 99% of adults’ lives and you will never change this fact, all you can change is how you react to it. There is no need to picture people having sex, especially not in the level of detail you seem to be, you are deliberately disgusting yourself.

    I understand feeling out of place at weddings and on Valentine’s Day and honestly I can’t say I’ve cracked that one myself- I just do my best to occupy myself on Valentine’s Day and to see weddings just as formal family parties.

    You don’t have to like the idea of people having sex, you just have to accept that there is nothing morally wrong with safe sex between consenting adults.

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  • adobeslats

    It was always weird seeing super wholesome people who had children like religious old grannies and knowing even they had sex

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    • exactly :(

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    The only 2 things I agree with here are:
    "It's the reason why I would not give my seat for a pregnant woman. No, you don't command respect just because you fucked someone."

    To hell with those rude whores trying to guilt trip me.

    "I'm asexual, and I find sex disgusting, as well as those who partake in the act. This also applies to kissing. Whenever someone kisses someone, or I see it on TV, I turn away and make a very loud, rude noise in disgust. Sometimes I even leave the room."

    Whenever there's a sex scene in a movie i'm watching at the theater i'll go get a refill of my drink &/or popcorn.

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  • KholatKhult

    Oh yeah ? Well I’ll imagine you in weird sex scenarios right back

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    • What kind of weird sex sccenarios?

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      • KholatKhult

        Yeah I bet you’d like to know

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  • CDmale4fem

    So you have no respect for your parents or even your grandparents ? So you must be the "1 in the crowd". The saying - theres one in every crowd.

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  • kikilizzo

    Sounds like you have some serious issues. Wether one likes sex or not it is a fact that it's a normal part of being a human and a natural way of connecting with someone wether it is for love or just pleasure.
    Either your brain is fried by porn or you have some trauma you need to deal with if you think sex is something twisted. Even for being asexual that is not a normal nor mature way to look at people who has sex which is the majority of people in the world. Even asexuals have sex (especially the non aromantic ones) since being asexual just means not feeling sexual attraction. Your feelings are far beyond being asexual. You dont sound asexual but rather like you have some issues you really need to deal with. There are sex therapists for that, but I suppose you find them disgusting as well for helping people with their sexualities which must be such a horrid and eeevil thing in your mind.

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    • asexual
      Learn to pronounce
      See definitions in:
      not involving sexual activity, feelings, or associations; non-sexual.
      Read that last sentence 3 times over.

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    • I have never watched porn, lol, and I have never had any sexual experiences in my whole life. And there is nothing wrong with me at all. Of course people will get defensive, just like how drug addicts would say they need their addictions. AND NO ASEXUALS DO NOT HAVE SEX. And there is no difference between "aromantic" and "asexual" since romantic feelings also stem from a primal desire to have sex whether the person WANTS to have sex or not. It's a feeling not an action or desire.

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  • Humans contribute nothing to the planet, except to destroy it so it would be good if everyone thought like me actually. Then we wouldn't need to kill anyone to depopulate the planet, we would just not breed.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I bet if you threw a party itd be lit

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Meh, I've had people lose respect for me for much stupider things such as:

    - Being bisexual
    - Wanting to own a firearm
    - Having a job
    - Pouring the milk before the cereal
    - My inability to speak Spanish
    - Losing weight
    - Refusing to help cosign a line of credit

    And the most recent one this week: wearing a short sleeve hoodie to work.

    Get in line, OP.

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    • "Food crimes" are the fucking worst. Let people eat whatever they want

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      I can't tell if I'm disgusted or impressed. Though having a job?? The f?

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Supreme court decision just forced NY to give out handgun permits. Its a good time to get one now. Taurus GX4 is a good little cheap 9mm pistol you can conceal easy.

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