Is it normal i forgot my boyfriend existed for a few moments?

I have epilepsy and still have seizures even though I take medication. I have a feeling this may play a part in what happened.

A few mornings ago I completely forgot my boyfriend existed and became terrified when I saw a man in my bed. It took me a few moments to remember who he was. We've been together nine years and I've known him for twelve. We've lived together for eight...I don't understand how I could completely forget who he was and not recognize him.

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43% Normal
Based on 7 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Tinybird

    That's funny, when I read this I was listening to Everywhere at the end of time.

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  • FortnitefunniesXD

    Honestly my brain is melted every time I wake up, I don’t forget anybody though. Combining that with seizures could probably get you in that situation.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Hey 1234tellmeyoulovememore, merry christmas. Next time this happens, just have him smack you in the face with his penis. That'll help you remember him.

    Hope this helps.

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    • Lol merry Christmas Billy

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm going to say normal. My older sister has had two seizures in her life and after each one it kinda fucked with her memories. She either remembers things differently or she just doesn't remember things at all.

    Though maybe you should check in with your doctor? What you're saying is concerning.

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    • I will once I get a new one. My old neurologist dropped me.

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