Is it normal i found a usb stick at costco
Should I see what's on it or just throw it away.
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Should I see what's on it or just throw it away.
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Could be porn or a virus...Or a diary with some juicy secrets
*sassy black lady voice* I loves me some juicy secrets mmhmmm
If you happen to look on the USB, you should tell us what's on it. I'm curious to know.
See if you can find info on it to see who the owner is and if you can't delete it and keep it. Hey it might have some music you like on it.
make sure you have a good virus protection software on your computer like malawarebytes. not the shitty Windows Defender thing that comes pre installed. Hackers leave USB sticks behind hoping people will see them, think "nice, free usb stick", put it on their computer at home, and the stick will discretely load viruses onto their pc.
Like others said, watch out for viruses. I found a usb stick on the ground at a gas station and wiped it without looking at it and kept it for personal use.
It's better to just format it. There's probably nothing cool on it anyway.
Go for it! Maybe it'll have a resume or something like that with the owner's info, in which case you can return it.
If you've got a spare computer, old laptop maybe, you could use that just in case, but I wouldn't worry much about the virus thing. There were some viruses that spread by USB stick a while ago, but I think all the security holes that made it possible have been fixed.
I know that's technically the right way to handle lost property, but I think the odds of anyone claiming it are remote.
I say look at it first. If you find something that looks really important on there (but no contact info) then sure, turn it in. Otherwise it seems like a waste of time.
It's very unlikely it would have anything on it that the police would care about. OP should check it out on their own rather than waste the police's time.
Unless the USB stick has a serial number, which they usually don't, or has files with an address and name on it, the stick probably cannot be returned.
It's best to erase it in case there is a virus and keep it.
If it is important they wouldn't have just kept it on a usb drive.
I do really important stuff on the computer and I have it on a separate desktop with no internet access and regularly backup my files on multiple external hard drives and keep some in a fire proof safe.
If its important they should have a backup.
Yeah, true that, but I'd probably still turn it in just in case there's some fucked up shit on it like child pornography.
I know a guy who got busted for possession of child porn, because of a similar situation. He was kinda gullible and although he's a nice person I'm glad he got caught and I hope everyone like him gets caught. So I'd turn it in just in case, cause that's how I roll.
I used my mom's lap top to open it in case of virus's.
Here it is.
toatally look at it I've found a bunch of USB stick and I always look at them!!
The USB drive could contain anything. Give it a go. Maybe you will get lucky and find something interesting.
I would look, why not? When I find CDs on the ground and I always take them and check if they will play