Is it normal i get annoyed when atheist try to push atheism on other people?

Like they post videos and stuff saying what offends atheist. While many of the same people doing this will go out of their way to insult Christians. Even when those particular ones are not doing anything to hurt anyone else?

If someone is being a prick like west barrow church by all means TELL THEM OFF! the rest of us will thank you. However I am kind of annoyed of people treating this kind of stuff like a religion and saying they are offended by other religions but wont respect TRUE religion.

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71% Normal
Based on 52 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • anti-hero

    It's annoying when anyone pushes anything.

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    • dom180

      Exactly what I was going to say.

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    • Crusades

      Not when your boyfriend pushes your ass.

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      • anti-hero

        Wow didn't see that one coming Chrissy. You should be in Second City.

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      • Oh stop harassing Counterfeit. You are not funny.

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    • Holzman_67

      and disrespectful when they push old people

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      • anti-hero

        Unless it is down a flight of stairs, then it is hilarious.

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  • notthecenteroftheuniverse

    I'm an atheist. I got pretty annoyed with my ex-boyfriend who was trying to push atheism on my Christian friend.

    Either he was trying to troll her and be mean or he was actually pushing it.

    He went too far. We broke up soon after.

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  • Tommythecat.

    I think it's funny, because they remind of the people they are always arguing against.

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    • That is the entire point of this post.

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      • Tommythecat.

        Well that's the entire point of my answer so....hop it.

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  • Holzman_67

    I wish somehow there was just acceptance. Like we could accept that we're all the same but with different beliefs, based upon how our life experience is subjective. The reasons behind it being subjective due to culture, environment, upbringing, war, heartbreak, loss of faith, gaining of faith, education, social status, sexual orientation, ambition, business and leisure.

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    • I agree completely. Some people are just not civilized enough though. So we have to deal with this type of idiocy so often.

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    • neversaynopanda

      ok but here is the thing religion will always get hate when there are those that wish religious rules that are for a single sect of a specific religion should become laws that everyone has to abide by look at the united states the number 1 reason that most people are upity about gay marriage is because it isnt in the bible. this coming from a country that is supposed to have separated church and state me personally i dont know what i believe the bible should be taken as a do good for others and look out for your neighbor not literally the whole world got flooded over and it rained for 40 days and nights well big question for you where did all the water go and the ark too big would have torn itself apart from the torsion of the water and people that say that this is a sin and that is a sin for things that are stated in the bible but arent against the law now well heres a question for you what if god if a supreme being exists what if he/she/it changed its mind? it did it before so it could do it again

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  • Shiroyasha

    As a person raised atheist, I can say that the "pushy" type are usually the ones who were religious, or forced to be religious, before. They are just resentful people. If they truly cared about making humanity brighter, they would be trying to push much more important matters into people's heads.

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    • That actually makes a lot of sense.

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  • Anything in extreme is bad. A lot of people have such a negative view of religion because of the extremists. People who knock on your door to tell you you're going to hell. One thing that bothers me is people who say you must find religion to be a good person. There are good and bad people who believe any assortment of things. Beliefs and thoughts do not make someone a bad person. Actions do.

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    • I am not sure where this idea comes from. I have never once heard anyone say specifically "You need a belief to be a good person".

      If people think so it might be the idea religious people are more charitable so must be better people. Not that anyone would really ever says this.

      No one needs a religion to be a good person. However most religions for the most part just say "To be a good person" . People seem to confuse morals with religion. Simply having morals does not make you religious. Religion is basically a code of ethics which in fact all people have.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    I think we can all agreed that we don't like it when people try to pressure us, or try to convert us into ANYTHING.

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    • Yes, but despite this some people believe what they think is somehow more justified than another persons belief system. So they supposedly have to make them "See the light" as they say.

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  • LizardSkin

    Yeah, I'm christian. Wanna push your lack of faith on me? Bitch, i'll fight you.

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  • Legion

    unfortunately, no matter the religion, nation, political party, group, or even fandom, theres always some idiots who act like they are better than everyone who isn't a part of their group, and sometimes they act even more superior than those who consider themselves a part of that group, but don't agree with everything that person believes on how the group should act.

    they piss me off almost as much if not more than those who try to push an ideal i completely disagree with.

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  • Gspyder

    I've never had atheism "pushed" upon me, but I do take offense to them belittling others for actually believing in something. In the end, they just make themselves look bad though so it doesn't bother me too much. I'm a Christian by the way.

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    • Yes I agree. However when you have 5 bullies to one victim its really does not help things.

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      • Gspyder

        Absolutely. If you have that kind of bullying going on you need to go to somebody about it. One on one conversation is one thing, but being ganged up on for your religious beliefs is wrong.

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  • thegypsysailor

    In my case, I think it's more about trying to get through the religious programming and say, "Think this through; you are not a free thinking individual who has chosen to believe. You have been programmed from birth. Does any of it actually make sense? Is it possible your life would be better without your religion?".
    To offer another point of view and option, is not necessarily "pushing" anything.

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    • I think religion is about more than simply believing in a diety and all the stories you are told.

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  • ViolenceAgainstTheState

    I completely agree. Atheists don't even knock on your door to push their beliefs or assault you at airports. They don't deserve to be held in the same regard as people who have true faith.

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  • CozmoWank

    Anyone ever have an atheist come to their door and try to convert them?

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    • Lynxikat

      No, but we have internet atheists, including ones on this very site, that push their opinions on others and try to convert them into becoming an atheist.

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      • CozmoWank

        I'm not an atheist but I can't stand when we get those people who go door to door peddling their religious beliefs.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I don't want anyone coming to my door unless they have cookies for sale

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          • CozmoWank

            Would you like a cookie little girl?

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    • PureLikeSnow

      No, but I converted my best friend into an agnostic. I pushed nothing on him and I only presented my ideas and beliefs.

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    • No they usually just go up to random people at malls, bookstores, or friends and tell them how they want to enlighten you and make you realize how valuable being atheist is.

      At least the Christian will just hand you the stupid book and leave. Half the time they never come back. I will listen to a 5 minute speech about why god changed your life and take a book I will never read vs watching or have someone going to a person THEY BELIEVE is Christian for an hour trying to force them.

      While they explain to them why they are so ignorant and they MUST become atheist since its going to "Help them in life" and if they do not "Enlighten them" or they are committing some horrible crime by not getting them to join.

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  • braintrip

    There's a difference between debates and forcing things, OP.

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  • Couman

    I know this is off topic, or a tangent at best, but what's with people using "atheist" as a collective noun?

    All I can think of is that "ists" is a slightly awkward phoneme. But I don't see people making the same mistake with say "feminist(s)". Nothing about the word "atheist" suggests it should be plural, as far as I can tell, yet I see people treating it like it is all the time.

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    • You are pointing out my grammar mistakes? I will try harder not to do that next time. Thanks for pointing it out.

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