Is it normal i get panic attacks easily?

I ALWAYS have panic attacks- when the bell rings I get really panicked and end up getting into a panic attack, I get panic attacks at school- they start off slowly and usually get to the point when I'm shaking, crying and have to go home immediately. Also panic attacks when a random number calls my phone, I get panic attacks that someone might be watching me at night, that I will start a fire, that someone will rob me. They last for 30 mins - 2 hours.

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33% Normal
Based on 6 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • strangethingshappen

    I am sorry you suffer panic attacks! They're really rough especially on the body!! I have had a lot of anxiety attacks & still do :(
    They're not full blown but I often feel extremely lethargic and I believe I have cronic fatigue because of the daily anxiety. It's best & a good idea to seek support and there's a Facebook page called Anxiety & I and if you're on Facebook, you should join :)

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  • Gutterpuppy

    If you have panic attacks that often and of that severity, it’s gotta be putting a major strain on your life. You should see a therapist for some meds to help you cope while seeing a counselor for help in the long run. If you have financial issues, I’m sure that the attacks you’re describing could classify as a disability since it severely hampers you in virtually all aspects of your life.

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    • AnnaMddss

      I wanted to go to a psychiatrist today, but she programmed me next thursday.. I'm not sure what I can do until then. It does affect my life a lot because it's not just panic attacks that I'm scared of- it's when I don't have any panic attacks at all- cause I don't feel anything.

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      • Gutterpuppy

        That's tough. It takes me at least a week to get an appt with my therapist as well. They don't seem to make emergency appointments. I don't have panic attacks as bad as you do, but I think there are some exercises you can do to try and keep calm. I'll take a look online to see what I can find. Do you have people you can trust to be with while waiting for your appointment? Its too bad we're prolly distances away from each other, or I'd be able to sneak you something to help tide you over. If wishes had wings.

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  • StevenL

    I never had a panic attack in school but I have have anxiety issue in public places that are overcrowded. I’m not sure if it helps but do you know any other people suffering from similar panic attacks that you can talk to. Maybe you can do a group therapy session with other people that suffer from panic attacks.

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    • AnnaMddss

      I do know other people who suffer from this but not in such a severe way and I will go to a psychiatrist soon as well, thank you :)

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