Is it normal i get scared to dangle my feet on the side of my bed?

Ever since I was I kid I always used to get paranoid if I ever dangle my feet on the side of the bed something bad would happen. I always feel like a hand will drag me down or a monster or the grudge will eat my leg off or something I still never dangle my feet of the bed especially when I'm sleeping. I make it worse for myself though I'm really into horror movies and I love getting scared, even though I get scared easily -__- . IIN?

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76% Normal
Based on 21 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You are most intelligent. Most are unaware of the terrible things which lurk under their beds. Horrible, horrible creatures live under the bed. Getting a leg eaten off is really the least of your worries.
    I would board up the open space under your bed, right away. This might be your only chance! You have apparently been very lucky to have survived all these years unscathed. You should buy a lotto ticket lucky.
    Fortunately, I live on a boat and we do not use beds, we use bunks and there is no space underneath. Of course, you wouldn't want to dangle your legs over the side of the boat; sharks, you know.

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    • Mytwin295

      I like the sarcasm

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  • loladylan

    This is SUPER normal.
    I once saw a documentary about tigers and i remember a particular bit where a tiger went into someones home and dragged the child away by its leg. You saw the child with its leg hanging over the side of the bed and thats what it grabbed... ever since then, I haven't been able to dangle my leg over the side of the bed... it scares me too much.

    You're not alone!

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    • disthing

      It's not 'super normal' to be a grown adult (or older teenager) terrified of dangling their feet over the side of their bed. If you were a child, I'd understand.

      I guarantee you there are no tigers lurking in your home.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Don't read the Creepypasta's "Bedtime"!!!

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    • Channingtatum


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