Is it normal i go through bouts of intense vaginal pain, mainly after bathroom use?

I have had this issue since childhood. It's not a yeast infection, uti, or anything like that. It tends to occur randomly and the pain subsides in a few hours at most.

It's an intense burning that causes me goosebumps up my neck. Something strange is I can't stand to be around other people when I'm dealing with it. The only thing that seems to help is masturbating. I don't know if it's vaginal dryness, acidic urine, or both, but it's such a strange phenomenon and I have difficulty finding information about something like this that isn't about infections.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • litelander8

    You need to change something in your diet. Even if you’re eating really well something odd may be giving you a reaction.

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  • CountessDouche

    It actually might be a UTI. The pain can be intermittent and not occur every time you urinate. If you've gotten tested by your GP and told there was no bacteria, my only other guesses would be irritation from sex or masturbation or the use of soap. If you get soap up around your pee hole, it burns like a mf.

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  • Irizu3748392746483938

    Maybe it's a UTI?

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