Is it normal i had a vivid nightmare about an exfriend dying

I had a terrible nighmare that an exfriend died and it made me very depressed. I hate that person in real life since in my eyes he betrayed me and was dishonest. This happened a few months back but things had been tense for a year before we talked about it and I told him to fuck off and that he'll never see me again. He ended it quite nicely with saying he'll always be there if I need someone but I blocked him because hes a major people pleaser and probably only added that part to make himself feel better about how he'd treated me and how dishonest he's been. If he was never there for me before, why would he be after admitting what a fake friend he is... that makes no sense. 🙄
So this nightmare of mine made no sense because why would I have a sad dream about him dying, out of all the people I would actually care and be sad about if something happened to them... Is it just my subconscious confirming that he's dead to me? But if so why in such a depressing way rather than a happy one? If a person who wasnt as nice as they first appeared are dead to you now that means you no longer care about them which should be a positive thing.
It makes no sense unless my brain got him mixed up with this friend of mine I have who struggles with mental health whom I do worry about from time to time. But dreams tend to me symbolic. I do consider my exfriend dead to me like my nightmare suggested but I hate him and wish no good for him at the moment. I feel no regrets though like in the nightmare.
Why would I feel regrets about telling a fake to fuck off?
It was a very vivid dream which is why its haunting me.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Wildwolf33

    The same thing happened to me recently only the dream wasn't as vivid and I could only remember a little about it.

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  • bbrown95

    Have you felt guilty or had any second thoughts about cutting him off? Maybe that is your mind's way of showing it in a dream.

    Or, it could mean that this is the "death" of your relationship with him.

    I just did a quick Google search about death in dreams, and this was the first thing that popped up:

    “Death in dreams is really about some kind of change or ending you're dealing with in your real life,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, professional dream analyst. “The subconscious will show us this change in the form of a death so we can better understand the finality of it.

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