Is it normal i hate it when people think they can speak for whole groups?

Happens in real life and also very common on the internet. People think can speak for whatever groups they belong to. Especially when it comes to politics. Race sometimes too. People claim it's generally held beliefs but is it really? Or is it that people who hold these beliefs (often negative or polarizing) speak louder than those who don't?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Tommythecaty

    I’d go further and say that I hate it when “groups” think they should speak and weigh in. Group think is for retards.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. I find it annoying when people with White Guilt do it.

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  • Grunewald

    Annoys me too. That kind of proselytism smacks of certain forms of evangelicalism I've seen in my time. People want an idea they can get behind and make their life about. Fair do's: I believe that desire was put in them. But if it manifests in that black-and-white proselytising form, then the person perhaps hasn't matured in him/herself yet. Or maybe they have, and they've just found a way of living on an existential knife-edge without mellowing into something more palatable. If I could be 21 again...

    There's my two cents, anyway. I'm probably partly wrong in this. I'm speaking after having drunk half a bottle of wine so my judgment's probably off.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The race ones are the worst. Always upper middle class girls or beta white guys doing that. You can hear the soy in their voice.

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