Is it normal i hate little kids giving me orders

I was driving and there was a kid (7-8) at the corner. It looked like he wanted to cross the street so I stopped and waved him to cross. The little brat starts waving ME to go ahead like he's Napoleon or something. So I didn't move until he stopped waving his stupid little hands frantically. Then he turns his back on me. Really disrespectful. So I finally started driving, rolled down the window and yelled at the little shit. Is it normal to hate kids who think they can tell me what to do?

Voting Results
11% Normal
Based on 19 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    You’re being pretty harsh, he’s just a child trying to understand the world.

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  • olderdude-xx

    It seems to me that there were 2 children involved in this incident. I'm more worried about the one driving the car.

    ps: Grow Up!

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    You were in the wrong here.

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  • dirtybirdy

    He did the responsible thing and you need to go sit under your bridge. You're in a time out, pal.

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  • AsterBean

    Maybe he isn't allowed to cross the street. How do you know he wanted to cross the street in the first place?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    By what you say Id be willing to bet you have mental health problems. That type of reasoning is gonna cripple you. You cant have good problem solving skills if thats how you handle a kid waving you to go ahead. Its actually polite to let you go first btw.

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  • notmyrealname123

    you sound jealous

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  • Tommythecaty

    You do know that you don’t have to acknowledge them in the first place.

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  • P4g31-1

    Thinks it's normal to hate little kids who give you order. I mean, I may have to take out the switch if my son demands for me to get him a drink one more time lol jk
    But in all seriousness. More contact is needed. If you had a bad day I can see a bit of road rage being okay. But if it was more than a two lane road it is actually very dangerous to go across.
    Ex; 18 seconds in. The other motor vehicle didn't know that is why the car was stopping nor could he see the person.
    And there is a million other reasons why he wanted you to go before he crossed.

    To me it sounds like it's not he was a kid you was mad at. It's that fact someone didn't listen to you.

    You just need to breath. I heard that the 5 finger breathing can help. Heck it's even good for election stress lol

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  • Tinybird

    no but I do hate adults trying to tell me what to do

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