Is it normal i hate my husband so much?

Ive been married 18 years. I really despise him, he constantly berates me and is a misogynist homophobe.
He also sucks at sex Ive never had an orgasm during. He generally treated me like a child and coerces me into sex.
Because of my religion Ive stayed but i cant imagine living my whole life with this asshole.
Anybody else desperate to leave their unhappy marriage?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • KholatKhult

    Leave him, God will understand or something

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    • Clunk42


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  • Tommythecaty

    You both sound like awful turds honestly.

    Perfect match.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Never considered getting divorced before. Also how could you be religious and complain about homophobia? Isnt that hypocritical?

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  • ChrissySnow

    I've been unhappy in my married too. At times I really despise him as well. He was much harder on me, in a lot of ways, than I was expecting, and I hated it. I asked my mother to let me move back in and leave him, but she blamed me. No matter what I said she would twist my words and make it look like it was my fault.

    PART of why I stayed was my religion, but part was also the humiliation of divorce and part wanted to make things better like they were in the beginning. For a while I was desperate to leave my unhappy marriage, but I didn't have anywhere to go.

    I'm not proud or happy about it but I started cheating on him. Part of it was to feel better physically and part was to get even at him. The crummy part was my conscious was killing me and most of the guys that I opened up to sided with him.

    What made things better, for me, was compromise and working to be a better person and wife. The more subservient and old fashioned I acted the better he treated me.

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  • trexagireve

    Change religion and you are free

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  • darefu

    You need a girl friend!

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  • Vvaas

    poison tea

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