Is it normal i hate people who claim eating organic will cure you of everything

Before I start, I want to say I support organic farming over most conventional methods. But I can’t stand people who think diet is the cure for everything or the cause of every disorder.

From the claims I’ve heard, I don’t believe eating organic is going to stop Alzheimer’s, cancer, cerebral palsy, diabetes, IBS, and mental disorders. Eating healthy may prevent certain disorders like cancer and type-2 diabetes (there’s two types, people!), but why doesn’t anybody look into genetics? Why do some people smoke their entire life and live to be 100, or people like my professor who was vegan and exercised frequently and died of heart attack near 60? There so much fucking more than diet!

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Comments ( 39 )
  • SwickDinging

    The best option, if you are able (and most people are not) is to produce all of your own food by planting veggies, keeping chickens for meat and eggs, goat for milk etc. Doing this has been proven to improve your immune system. You could still get sick though, we've all got to die sometime.

    Organic won't save you from hereditary diseases and pollutants in the air etc. People are way too preachy about it.

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    • Boojum

      I'm not going to ask for a cite on the improved immune system thing, and I'll assume there is good evidence for that. The thought that immediately strikes me is that if you're able to raise a significant portion of your own food, you have to be living in a place where you can do that.

      I suspect that if you live in the human equivalent of a poultry battery farm, are constantly stressed by noise, pollutants in the air, and a multitude of strangers around you all the time, and you work for an ass who considers you to be on-call 24/7, then eating organic carrots isn't going to have any impact on your general health.

      I'm sure there is clear evidence that stress of any kind affects our immune system. Constantly being in a state of fight-or-flight alert has to have an effect, even if we're not consciously aware of it.

      If you live in a place where you feel safe and secure, and you can have a direct connection to the natural world, that has to be beneficial. So I think it might be difficult to disentangle the beneficial effects of that from the possible benefits of not using synthetic chemicals to grow your food.

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      • SwickDinging

        Yes there is good evidence for it, I read it in my husband's recent issue medical journal, I'll try and find the study tonight and send you the details, it's quite interesting.

        The reason it boosts your immune system is because it's coming from the area you live in, not because of the chemicals you do/don't use, or the stress you are/aren't under. It would be the same if your friend across the street grew veggies and gave them to you. Or even if you got them from a local farm, as long as it was truly local IE in the same village/town. It's to do with developing antibodies for your local area and what is in the soil, water and air around you specifically. It has nothing to do with whether or not the stuff is organic and whether or not you kissed the chickens goodnight or any of that malarkey.

        But yes of course, as you say, stress and general contentment will also play a part in your health. I'm sure pottering about feeding chickens and watering tomatoes in the countryside is much better for one's overall health than sitting in a stuffy office all day and then getting processed takeout for dinner!

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        • Boojum

          We had chickens when we lived on a small farm in the Italian hills. We never kissed them goodnight (it was more a case of, "Get in the damn chicken-bunker, dimwits, or the fox will get you!") but it was oddly therapeutic to watch them wandering around the place doing chicken-stuff and talking to each other. Truly free-range eggs are wonderful, and poaching a still-warm egg is a revelation.

          As for the local fruit and veg thing, I don't quite see how that would work if you cook the produce, but it's intriguing.

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  • Why did this quote by someone who believes in the food panacea irritate me?:

    “Why shouldn’t good farmers who know how to grow food of sufficient quality to keep us out of the hospital be treated and rewarded like the heart surgeon who fixes the problems caused by cheap food?”

    I agree farmers are undervalued, but it’s just they have the mindset ALL problems come just from diet.

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    • SwickDinging

      It irritated you because it's an asinine platitude. It means nothing. Farmers are not heart surgeons. Day is not night.

      Typical wishy washy thinking of a person who bases all their opinions about health on what they read on the back of an overpriced box of organic cereal.

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      • I agree.

        How about Natasha Campbell’s “GAPS” diet? She claims most autoimmune, learning, and mental disorders are caused by an imbalance in gut flora. What scientific research did she base this on? The fact Hippocrates said most disease starts in the gut. One of her methods of determine if a food is right for you is by putting a paste of it on your hand at night and seeing if you have red spots in the morning.

        Someone I used to be in contact with claims they know a person whose son had a learning disability and schizophrenia, and after following this diet he’s a gifted painter. I don’t buy it, but I’m willing to be proved wrong, but I’ve found few GAPS none of which that were so dramatic and plenty of people who had to stop it.

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        • Boojum

          I'm not familiar with Campbell, but a quick Google suggests she's one of those doctors who's got on a hobby-horse and leapt right into the deep-end of fanaticism. You have to be intelligent and work hard to become a medical doctor, but doctors are still just people and they're not immune to developing obsessions.

          As for Hippocrates, he was the guy who came up with the "four humours" concept for how the body worked, so he's responsible for old-time doctors bleeding patients and causing innumerable deaths. He also believed a woman's womb wandered around inside her body. He's not really a great choice to base an appeal to authority argument on.

          Having said that, it's becoming clear there's a lot we don't understand about the gut and the effect the trillions of organisms living there have on us. The digestive tract is not just a long tube where food gets turned into shit, and there is some evidence that the passengers we carry around can affect how we act and what we want to eat.

          Very interesting book on the topic:

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        • SwickDinging

          This frustrates me. Yes, your diet is important, and yes, if you are careful about where your food comes from and eat very well you can avoid certain health problems. But really this is more to do with how much fresh fruit and veg you eat, how much exercise you do and how little junk food you eat, rather than whether or not something was organic.

          For the person with the son with the LD - did this LD prohibit him from painting? Anyone who can physically hold a brush can paint. Maybe she just started pushing him more, like a placebo effect. A common modern medical mantra is "correlation does not imply causation". Ie - "my son has an LD but then I fed him organic blueberries and he did a nice picture" does not imply that organic blueberries are magic. This is how medicine used to work back when we didn't understand anything that was going on in our bodies. Thankfully we now have science to rely on instead.

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  • Servian

    Most people let death take them

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  • I couldn't say it better.

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    • What’s your beef about? I bet your beef isn’t grass fed!

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      • I want to taste your beef if you're a woman. You can be vegetarian or not, I don't mind.

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        • I have a Y-chromosome.

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          • Put on a wig and we'll see how things go.

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            • ;) ;) 😀😀😟😟

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  • paracetamol

    If important genes are corrupted you are fucked. Also environmental insults(extreme stress, abuse) can cause even the best genes to break.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Stress is huge.

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  • frederickandersen

    I relate to this so much. Like if you have cancer drinking organic gluten free non hormone apricot juice isn't going to do shit. shut up.

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    • Alzheimer’s isn’t going to be reversed by drinking coconut milk, either.

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  • charli.m

    I try to eat organic when I can. But you're quite right. It doesn't cure shit. I prefer it for various reasons, and I think it can be healthier (that being said, organic junk food is obviously as bad for you as regular. Duh).

    However, I'm going to a doctor for treatment, not food. Sure, I can support an illness by eating well. Healthy diet helps overall health. Organic food may or may not help that further. But it ain't curing shit.

    There was a woman here who wrote a whole cookbook and sold it as how she cured her cancer.

    Dumb cunt didn't even fucking have cancer, it turned out. Fucking snake.

    Ugh. One of my hippy aunts has been shitting me with her organic only-immunisation causes autism-wifi gives you cancer shit, so I'm angrier than usual about this sort of crap. Sorry for the rant.

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    • And their memes are so irritating

      “A cup of Pinneapple juice is 500x stronger than flu medicine.”

      “Media won’t tell you about Chinese man who lives to 278 by eating herbs only.”

      “It’s THYME to get rid of Arthristic, Chrons, and MS!”

      These are actual titles! So much fucking bullshit

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      • charli.m

        Media probably will tell you about that, cos it's retarded BS :P

        I'm all for as natural as possible...but fuck.

        Dyslexia caused by gut flora...that's a new one on hippy aunt also has dyslexia. She cured it with kinesiology :/

        I've used kinesiology and was pretty happy with the treatment. But it ain't curing dyslexia. Nor did the three acupuncture needles cure me from my thyroid disorder. I think acupuncture can be a great complimentary therapy, but it can't cure a hormone imbalance.

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    • I support your rant.

      I have Dyslexica, and supposedly that’s caused by an imbalance in gut flora (as well as other disorders like autism, CP, depression, etc)

      Im tempted to punch them in the face when they start their bulllshit, but I’ll give them benefit of the doubt that they mean well.

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    • RoseIsabella

      At least you are releasing your anger when you rant. I think it's bad for you to hold everything inside yourself, and not talk about your feelings. I think holding everything inside is a great way to get all sorts of stress related health problems.

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      • Anger needs to be released, not held back in fake kindness, which many do. Not saying you do it, but that’s what my family dose and taught me to do.

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        • RoseIsabella

          People are just walking around emotionally constipated.

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          • I don’t get why they do so.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Some people think that displays, of emotion are a sign of weakness. I don't think that is necessarily true. I think perhaps it's more like there's a time, and a place for everything. I have gotten myself emotionally constipated before, because I don't want the other person to know how much I care. I'm afraid of feeling needy, and foolish.

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  • leggs91200

    always some kind of gimmick out there waiting to separate naive people from their money.

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  • Meowypowers

    I don't think it will cure everything, but the toxins and pollutants that we breath in the air and the pesticides, chemicals and genetically modified foods do create stress on the human body and does cause many malady like cancer, heart disease etc.

    Combined with stress, unnatural diets are prematurely killing people. There is a reason people that live in the "blue zone" live longer.

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    • I don’t disagree environmental factors can cause certain issues like heart disease, but I believe genes outweigh environmental factors.

      I eat organic and much less sugar than my sister who drinks Diet soda and Ramen noodles. My reward is worse vision, stomach issues, and migraines, no natural solution has worked.

      I have a friend who eats mostly greasy food and smokes and has little health issues, and my mother who dose organic and has an autoimmune disorder and suffered multiple kidney stones. My dad drinks like a fish and eats the cheapest food and is the healthiest in our family. My professor drinks pop everyday, pulls all-nighters, smokes, and is one of the healthiest and sharpest person I know.

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  • Ellenna

    I get angry because some of these beliefs are downright dangerous, especially natural so-called cures for cancer. A friend of mine believed some charlatans (one of them a gp believe it or not) who treated her with vibrational healing and she wasn't diagnosed with cancer until it was too late for anything to be done about it.

    I've been told that huge doses of vitamin c will cure my emphysema: yeah right, it'll heal those holes in my lungs caused by decades of smoking ... NOT. Also that if I eat a particular berry from bushes on the side of the road it'll fix my heart condition ... also NOT.

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    • SwickDinging

      Where I live there are people who think crystal healing will cure snake bites. They peddle this shit to make money out of people they know they're hurting.

      There are many venomous snakes where we are and if you get bitten by one you'd be dead within 20 minutes if you don't tourniquet and get to a hospital. So dangerous to tell people that a crystal will fix it.

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      • I want to say you’re from Australia and that snake is the Taipan.

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        • Boojum

          Basically, Mother Nature made it pretty clear she really didn't want people to live in Australia, but we just ignored her... as usual.

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          • Meowypowers

            Mother nature is a hooker that let humans get too smart.

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        • Ellenna

          I'm Australian and we have venomous snakes other than taipans, for example brown snakes (the most venomous) and tiger snakes

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        • SwickDinging

          Australia has a long list of venomous snakes that kill very quickly. People always seem to focus on the spiders for some reason, even though they haven't killed anyone in years. Snakes kill people regularly.

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