Is it normal i hate people with a god agenda

These are the people who want to toss in god to everything. For the record I am not saying I have an issue with Christians or Atheists. These people are fanatics and pushers on both sides of the coin. Either they are for god or against him but they toss him into everything.

There is a baby who is now mentally retarded since they drank from a Carasine lamp when they were unsupervised:

This was gods will: No you are a fucking asshole I hope you get burned at the stake you worthless shit

This is why god does not exist: Again there is no reason to bring religion into this, this has nothing to do with religion in any way, the fact you would abuse it to push your own "Lets hate god" Agenda makes you a heartless bastard. I hope you suffer something one day just so we could say "Oh look this is proof there is no god" and instead of helping you they will be protesting at churches since that is how great a person you are.

I swear I just want to smack these people. I swear anytime someone throws god or Jesus in a discussion where it does not belong I want to smack the bloody hell out of these people.

Now if its something: Oh this poor boy is sick we should prey for him. Yeah okay its in good faith. I have nothing against people believing or not believing.

I just think its fucked up they have to push their Pro or Anti god agenda everywhere. I say the next time we hear someone do something like this we just beat them bloody with a bible. Maybe they will stop and learn to not abuse other peoples misfortune to push their stupid agendas. NO ONE CARES!!!!YOU SELFISH PRICKS!

I have also seen this done in politics but I wont go into that now.

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69% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • seekelp

    Yeah, there's more constructive things to worry about.

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  • mystery7

    Hey the same goes both ways too.

    Where I work atheists are always going on about how their world view is the only way, and ridiculing anyone who deviates even the slightest from their hardcore fundamentalist atheist beliefs.

    I never engage with them because it's a pointless waste of time and energy. To each their own. Respect is a 2 way street.

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  • I'm glad you are riled up. Angry emotional conflict alienates people from logic, making them easier to be manipulated. Holy wars are pathetic but unavoidable. My job is profiting from dumb people. Religion and mind control are my tools.

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    • Anonymous200

      Isn't that everyone who's in charge's job?

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      • Yes, but my job is to make people think that Jesus is in charge, so they internalize a code of ethics that is useful to the ruling class.

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  • ThatOneDudez

    I have a friend who's atheist all the way...
    I love her to death! I understand she was raised in a religious household and hated it! This is why I let her vent. At first I was ok with our religious debates, but now I just... let her go and say whatever. I don't wanna say it annoys me, but dear god, it really does when you mention it at least once a day. Also, you don't have to show me videos, mention that it's unrealistic every time I make a joke involving some religious figure, (ex: Satan) and be offended by me saying "Jesus Christ".

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    • Anonymous200

      How long has she been an atheist? A lot of new atheists act like this as a way of throwing off the mental shackles of religion.
      I'll explain. Suddenly everything you've ever been told is a lie. There's no Heaven, no Hell, and no god. You've spent your entire childhood being deceived by the people you loved and trusted; and the worst part is that they have no idea because they've been told the same things.
      You can't believe it at first. When you finally get your composure, you feel an obligation to tell other people what you've learned. But they won't listen to you. You just get more and more frustrated. Why can't they see the truth? Sometimes you feel alone, because suddenly you're the only seeing man in the land of the blind. Since they've been blind since birth, they can't understand when you describe color or light to them.
      Eventually, you grow up a bit. You start to understand their perspective. Everything seems more plausible when you think like a blind person again when you're around them. They've never seen, so they don't miss sight. And they've learned to live like this, so they have nothing to gain from it. You try to respect that this is how they want to live, the way they've always known, and that's fine. So you go out with them, enjoying your sight but knowing that sharing your knowledge would be irritating to them, so you don't bring it up.

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      • TrustMeImLying

        Your first paragraph puts it well. Your second is inaccurate, though maybe because of an experience-bias. But majority of % atheists never "eventually grow up a bit" and I'm talking after many years and in some cases decades, and I think they never will. They become perfect complements to the religious bigots who shove God down your throat. Like the joker and batman. It's kind of beautiful :o

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        • Anonymous200

          Nananana-Batman! :D

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      • ThatOneDudez

        She's been an Atheist for at least two years. (that's when I met her, hence why I said "at least")

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