Is it normal i hate some cats and their owners.

I Hate Some Cats and Their Owners. If you own a cat, fine, keep it inside or on your own property. I have a backyard that seems to be a haven for small wild animals. I like to watch and leave food out for birds, chipmunks squirrels and rabbits. On more than one occasion I've seen cats in the yard stalking and sometimes killing one of the animals I feed. I'm not trying to fatten them up for someone's fucking cat to feast on! I hate when people buy cats then leave them to just roam the neighborhood. You'd probably get pissed if other people's dogs did that so what makes you think I want your cats in my yard? I usually pull out my slingshot & send a ball bearing sailing at them. If your cat comes home wounded, TOO FUCKING BAD! KEEP IT HOME.
is it normal I feel this way? Anyone else share my opinion?

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55% Normal
Based on 73 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 36 )
  • Shrunk

    It's a common opinion, yeah, but it's not normal to want to hurt animals.. I'm a cat lover but I wouldn't care if you dumped water on it instead, or even throwing a handful of pebbles should get the message across. the bb is a bit harsh..:(
    besides, your anger would be more appropriately directed at the owner..

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  • I see your point that you feel that cats are a threat to the animals you feed.

    However you need to realize that humans in general have made allies with cats and dogs.

    Cats would naturally be outside without humans. Keeping animals indoors all day is unnatural and you cannot expect them to be inside all day.

    I have 3 cats and I let them come and go as they like. I wouldn't want them inside all day and have them trained to crap and piss outside so I don't have to deal with the smell of a litter box.

    Cats are pretty common where I live and I wouldn't have gotten cats in the first place if I didn't feel this was a safe place for them.

    If anyone ever hurt my cats and I found out who did it there would be a big problem likely resulting me going to jail for a very long time.

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    • If you can't be responsible for your cats, don't buy any. Why shift any inconvenience onto your neighbors? You're probably the type whose kids run around screaming in restaurants while you're completely oblivious to anyone else in the place.

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      • My neighbors have cats too. I also don't have kids. I am perfectly capable of disrupting restaurants myself.

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  • CountessDouche

    But seriously, I'm a cat owner. Yes, they are vicious killers. There are other ways to keep cats out of your yard without resorting to animal abuse. You can plant certain things that will keep cats out of your yard, or worst case scenario, you can use predator urine- shit you not, you can purchase it online; it also helps keep skunks, opossum, and raccoons out of your yard.

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  • daydreamer394

    How can you like all those animals you feed and abuse a cat? That makes no sense. They're just doing what is in their nature.
    Good luck finding somewhere where all cats are shut in all day; that's ridiculous. Welcome to the world and the food chain.

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    • When you have something intelligent to say please don't hesitate to share it.

      PS-I added the cats to my food chain. They're delicious deep fried.

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      • daydreamer394

        You know you've hit a nerve when you resort to mere 'insults'. Did I hurt your feelings?
        If you're going to waste my time, do me a favour and let me know beforehand. Meanwhile, you can parade around the comments in anonymity ... as people like you do ;)

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        • Yawn.

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  • gorillaphant

    It's you!!!

    My garden is plagued by small furry beasts that dig it up and eat my plants. So many of them too. They come by land. They come by air. And some tunnel underground. There is no stopping them. At least my cat helps control the rat population. Sorry if it poops in your yard. But thats life.

    And if you know there is a cat near by and you encourage food to come and dance for it, you are only adding to the problem you complain about. In actuality you are taunting the cat. Sorry if you dont like cats. But I dont like rabbits in my yard either.

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    • Sara0303

      That's life? I will say the same thing when a dog rips your cat to shreds like mine has done to a few cats.
      I've legally shot many cats on my property, and wil continue to do do

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    • Yeah and your cat is just taunting the rottweilers so don't complain when they come in your yard and eat your fucking cat.

      If critters in your yard are a nuisance get rid of them. It's not my yard and not my critters.

      You people just reinforce my few that cat owners are irresponsible idiots.

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      • Sara0303

        Agree totally

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  • Sara0303

    Cats are worthless vermin

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  • Sara0303

    I hate cats too. My dog killed a few that came into my yard. Cat owners piss me off too

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  • whatiftahw

    I think it's normal for a certain degree.
    But it's also normal to let cats live outside.
    Not all cat owners let their cat wander outside because they are being irresponsible and inconsiderate.

    I know that by letting my cat live most of its life outside I'm risking that it can get hit by a car or whatever, captured by a psycho, get injured, get stuck somewhere or get killed by something or someone.

    It is still the best for both of us, since the cat can live its natural lifestyle, and I don't have to deal with entire rooms smelling like cat piss where there are cat litter boxes, cleaning them everyday and washing them every week, getting cat fur all over everything, the cat destroying the furniture, meowing constantly out of boredom and getting aggressive for being locked inside.

    None of my neighbors give a crap about it, they have their cats out too.

    There's probably a minority who don't like cats (or other animals that eat their beloved birds and bunnies) in their yard and there are several options for them to scare those unwanted animals away.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      If you neuter your cats they become a lot less restless. Mine is allowed out on a porch but I don't let him roam.

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      • RoseIsabella


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    • Sara0303

      Cats should not be outside. My dog has killed many cats in my yard, l hit one with my car, not my responsibility.

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  • Shily666

    I fucking hate cats too, not only because they kill animals only to leave them rot later (what a waste), but for other reasons too. I can't stand cats.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      I don't like rodents and birds because they are just little shit machines who spread filth. So I don't mind if cats kill them. Funny the people who feed the birds and love them but shoot squirrels and cats because they mess with their precious bird feeders.

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  • gorillaphant

    Awe, Hilo is a sweetie. That lovable Rottweiler wouldn't hurt a fly, least of all my cat. In fact, they kind of adore him. And most dogs don't actually eat cat.

    Don't delude yourself into thinking there is a problem with cats or their owners. You just don't understand the nature of a cat. It would irresponsible to make them behave any other way than that of a cat. It's not our fault you're ... less than experienced in such behavioral norms. Do you also get angry when a bird poops on your car? How about a dog barking. You probably hate kids too because they sometimes make noise and do things you don't quite understand.

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    • Um, you are the deluded one.
      You expect others to be accepting of your total lack of consideration for your neighbors and your lack of responsibility as a pet owner. If you are truly concerned about the safety of your pet you would keep it inside or on your property away from harm. Its a basic requirement of pet ownership. If you can't provide that for your pet then maybe you shouldn't own one.

      As for children, there is another reason to get pissed off at cat owners who let their cats roam the neighborhood. Your cats shit in the kids sand boxes and sand piles. So fuck you, go smoke some more cat nip.

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      • gorillaphant

        silly, the chipmunk shits in the sandbox too, that's why you make a cover for them. Any idiot knows that.

        I'm not the one getting pissed off at animals behaving like animals.

        And no thanks for the fuck, you don't sound like you're very good in the sack. Really uptight.

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        • That's right, keep trying to rationalize your stupidity, laziness or both. And if your cat gets hit by a car, I'm sure you'll blame the driver. Everyone needs to cater to your complete lack of understanding the responsibility of ownership.

          I have the feeling you get dumbfounded when other people get annoyed that you cranked up the Biebs. They just can't seem to share your appreciation for his gifted talent.

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          • gorillaphant



            the beibs......hahaha!

            Now I know what to buy you for your birthday.

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            • Please do, I'll use it to repel the damn cats.

              Well now, I think we just discovered a nonlethal animal repellent and that Justin Beiber isn't entirely worthless after all!

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  • Crusades

    I hate cats with a burning passion!

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    • CountessDouche

      Seems like you would get along famously with the fuzzy little soulless sociopaths who only use others to get what they want.

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    • I'm getting there.

      I have no problem with house cats.

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      • Riddler

        I would recommend you complain to the owner or next time catch the cat and take it to the shelter.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Its normal for you to be upset but dont shoot the poor cats. Some of them are probably strays anyway who have no home. I had a neighbor with an annoying dog and when it came into my yard I threw ice water in its face and it stopped annoying me.
    I love cats but I never let mine outdoors. I don't live on a farm so theres no need for rodent control. I think its irresponsible and also unsafe to allow any animal to roam freely. Are dogs allowed to do this?
    I personally keep my cat indoors because I don't want him getting killed by cars/other animals/people poisoning cats because they hate cats. Its normal how you feel, almost always the problem with any animal is their stupid careless owners. My cat sits on a screened in porch so he gets some fresh air and gets to watch the birds but he doesn't bother anybody or bring home half-dead prey. Win-win.

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    • RoseIsabella

      This us why I love you, chica!

      I love having my Siamese cat indoors, spoiling him like the little prince he is! He's a pedigreed cat, but since he doesn't come from a champion bloodline there was zero reason not to have him fixed! When people claim to love cats, but don't spay or neuter them I end think if those people has hypocrites. Millions of unwanted cats and kittens die every year, because people continue to treat them like wild animals.

      I'm proud to treat my cat as a family member, because he's my best friend!

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      • wistfulmaiden

        Thanks . Responsible owners rock!

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  • disthing

    I can see why that would piss you off.

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  • loopoo

    How dare you

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