Iin: i hate star wars.

I find it incredibly boring. I was forced to watch 2 of the movies and it was excruciating. id rather play with barbie dolls.. yet everyone around me is way to into these weird little series.

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • lilmich

    It's normal if it just isn't your thing, but much more likely if you watch those terrible fake Star Wars films released last decade or the current updated versions of the real original films. The ones released in cinemas 1977-1983 are very different to the ones commercially available now. If you can watch the original theatrical versions, the experience is very different. In short, I love the original films in their original form, but hate them in all of the different post-1997 travesties that kept on getting worse each time they were changed, and I hate those fake ones from last decade, so if you saw any of those, no wonder you hated them.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    starwars were ok

    not the enda the world good but ok

    the one what gits me is that gamea thrones show everyones ravin bout

    its so fuckin borin and over the top acted i cant fuckin stand it

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    • Holzman_67

      Yeah i don't like game of thrones either

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        they should make a gay porno called game of bones

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  • damarixa12

    Fuck star wars. The producers can kiss my natural half nd half ASS.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Exactly how does someone get 'forced' to watch a movie? Were you tied to a chair with your eyelids taped open and your head held so you could only see the screen?
    I'm sure there are plenty of folks who don't like Star Wars, but come on, in the scheme of things a few movies you don't like aren't THAT big a deal, are they?

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  • rosesandmusic

    I personally don't find it interesting either but my whole entire family is infatuated with it. They are crazy star wars fans.

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  • Bluebirds90

    I disagree with your opinion about the movie. Which two movies did you watch? If you watched Episode One or Episode Two I see where you are coming from but the last few are amazing.

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  • JustADreamer

    Yes of course it's normal. I hate Star Wars too, with a passion I might add. Star Wars is so overrated and cliche and really not worth all the attention it gets.

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