Is it normal i hate volunteering

years ago when i was in high school i had to volunteer for some kind of required credit hours. I volunteered hundreds of hours helping morons at a library figure out how to write a fucking email. What a boring, annoying job that was. Felt like prison.

Nowadays i am past college and miserable lonely and depressed. No friends, no life, it sucks. I always read everywhere that it is so good to volunteer. That if i just spend some time helping out somewhere at a Hospice or cleaning up the city or helping out at a food pantry i will feel great and make friends and everything will be awesome!

Well guess what, i fucking hate volunteering. Always have and always will. Aint got no time for that shit nowadays, i got bills to pay son gotta get PAID, cant exactly give out tons of free labor nowadays!

i hate volunteering and even if it did solve my problems i still wouldn't want to do it! Fuck that shit! So glad no one is forcing me to do it nowadays

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73% Normal
Based on 40 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • flyingnostalgia

    Why do you volunteer on living your life...if you just stop your problems will be gone. Now dont get the wrong not telling you to die....i,m just saying that, that way you wont have to do anything without a purpose or anything you hate pluss other side benefits.

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    • Niggers_on_welfare

      You are the biggest moron on this website.

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      • flyingnostalgia

        Go and do the things you usually sucking your mothers dick.

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    • SandyGun5555

      You have absolutely no friends.

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  • cocknballs

    you should join a program. in which they help the mentally challenged create art with yarn and glue. you would be great at it

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