Is it normal i have begun creating my human centipede

I have 3 people in my basement tied up and on sedatives. I plan to start the procedure in a few days although im not sure if i can stay awake for the whole thing, i might need a lot of redbull or coffee to get thru it all. Im trying to make sure i have everything set up correctly beforehand, ive got all the instruments, anaesthetics, bandages for healing, anti-infection medication, etc.

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 36 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • shuggy-chan

    Is it normal I was in a sexual relationship with the human centipede, but I've been cheating on it with my sister

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  • buttholesniffer69420

    I wish I was able to participate :( if you need an extra person you can contact me at 1(408)335-6644 if I don't answer please leave a text. Thank you.

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