Is it normal i have to drink to be able to deal with people?

I hate to sound like some kind of misanthropic douche, but people are so annoying and depressing. I want to like people, but I can't seem to handle their BS unless I've had some drinks. IIN?

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65% Normal
Based on 20 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • JustSomeGuy77

    Same with me, unless I'm talking about something that interests me I prefer not to say a damn thing. Gotta hold back tears as well sometimes, though I've gotten better at it with time. Drinks help A LOT. I have asperger's though, you might wanna look into the symptoms. I didn't even realize it till quite recently, just thought I was a loner.

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    • I highly suspect i do have asperger's, i did not know this was another symptom. dont really know what to do about it tho

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  • GeordieGent

    Not necessarily normal but not abnormal either. I am with you one hundred percent but I guess most other people aren’t. Some people are more sensitive to human behaviour than others and others need people so much they put up with the crap to get their needs met. Maybe you are self sufficient enough that you can refrain from relationships if you need to.

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  • megadriver

    Tell me about it... Whenever I have business meetings with a few clients/ companies, I always arrange to have those meetings at some restaurant. I hate these people, I deal with their bullshit on the phone far too much, to handle being with them in person, without a drink! Perfectly normal. Bonus points if you get the bastards to pay for your drinks XD

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  • Ahhereleaveitout

    You need to get yourself some help or it will all end in tears.
    Go to your doctor, take one day at a time and don't be so hard on yourself. Be brave, take the first step, you can do it!

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    • i know youre just trying to help but ive already tried that and its all kinda pointless

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      • nikkiclaire

        Why not go to AA and try to get some help?

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        • Because Im not a drunk. I forgot to reply to your other comment but that was a better idea, i just need to figure out how to be ok with being a loner.

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  • Nickvey

    i couldnt go to my sister in laws house unless i fortified my nerves. after i while i just stopped going. She was married to a pussy whipped Lt. Colonel.

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  • Jimbo24

    Yeah, you sound like you're just the more introverted kind. Some people are like that. It's neither not bad. You just have to learn how to deal with it.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Your just self medicating with a legal tranquilizer. Only, it's not legal to drive buzzed. Better find an alternative before you end up with multiple drunk driving charges and end up with no drivers license.

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    • Hmm Ive actually driven (mildly) buzzed a few times but only on small/slow streets, passed like 3 different cops one time on only a 10 minute drive, it was fun, I drive way better in that, more alert. But I would never get full on drunk let alone drive in that state because obviously that'd put others in danger.

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      • lonewolf1253

        You'd be surprised dude. I was driving normally after only 4 beers and got stopped by a female cop for doing 30 in a 25 mph zone. Cost me 7,000 dollars and a six month license suspension. The bitch could smell it. I blew a .008. Just enough for a DUI. I wasn't even buzzed! Just sayin man.

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        • "female cop"

          uh, story bro

          I think i technically lost my license already for something completely unrelated btw. more of a fuck up at the DMV tho, not legit. I kinda want a cop to try me on that bullshit when i have the doc's that say otherwise.

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  • Justmehere

    If you can get it under control, it's fairly normal. Guy who goes to the sports bar I go to is nice enough, but an "IT nerd" and self-admittedly odd. He talked about that one night, saying people find me strange, but after I have a few (whatever beer he drinks) in me, I'm better with them.

    Another night, though, he really went off, in detail, about all that. Why he's odd, how certain drinks relax him, his love of sci-fi, and, proving his oddity, kind of creepy views on some of the bartender girls. Harmless, but definitely if someone doesn't know him, you probably walk away.

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    • Aww, he sounds like someone I could get along with (maybe, in small doses), I am in IT also, so that probably explains a bit, we're all usually asocial weirdos.

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      • Justmehere

        He's definitely an acquired taste. My other friend and I have gotten to know him, and it's always a crap shoot. Will we get the ok, talkative, relatively calm (still odd) guy, or, the ranting about things far too personal to discuss at a bar, odd guy?

        He does say, too, about how all IT folks are strange, and tend to think in code. Not a bad guy, honestly..Just really an acquired taste.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Not good. It means you are probably going to wind up an alcoholic. No one says you have to hang out with tons of people. Just be a loner and knock it of with the booze.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    HAVE to? Not normal. Want to? Normal.

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    • I mean HAVE to. otherwise I get really fucking irritated and constantly feel that I am hold back tears in public, at work, etc. When I have a couple drinks I feel normal again.

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