Is it normal i hit my head and now my brain is foggy

Last Friday I stood up fast forgetting I was under a low roof and just banged the top of my head hard. I have health anxiety so naturally I got terrified and kept myself awake even though it was early, I was gonna go back to bed and I was tired. I didnt have any symptoms after like passing out, feeling sick, seeing blurry, exhaustion, dizziness and I dont even have any bump or bruise. In the evening I got a terrible terrible headache but im prone to headaches and have them often so its hard to say if the bang caused it plus a relative had visited the day prior who'd recently had a bad headache.
Anyways ive been fine but yesterday I was for a walk and my mind felt so foggy and I was very unfocused and far away like not completely aware of my surrondings. Like I knew where I was and all obviously but I had to be extra careful crossing the road if that makes sense.. I have sensory issues but they're very rarely that bad unless i'm sick or going to have a migraine (im pretty sure I have migraines because ive had a few visual auras but its never been evaluated).

Today I feel mostly okay but right now I keep losing gfocus trying to focus on the screen. Its like my eyes "zoom out" . Ive never met a competent doctor so I have horrible experiences. Ive tried to seek help for my regular headaches and got the answer "eat painkillers everyday then and get over it"and thats their general attitudes. No matter what your problem is "take painkillers", because its easier for them I guess!!!! So what do you think should be done?!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Somenormie

    I imagine it not being a huge issue.

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  • have_a_good_day

    Oh shiiiiit nigga you gave yoself aids

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Please please go to a doctor. Please.

    It could be nothing and unrelated and will pass, it could just be anxiety or it could be a brain injury so please see a doctor just to be safe

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    Go to the ER asap. You probably have a concussion.

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    • I have a concussion now almost a week later?:/ Im not sure ER will take me seriously I made it this long and I dont have a bump. I feel weird tho but maybe I got covid lol or the flu I dont know ER feels a lil extreme though

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  • Tinybird

    I have health anxiety too as well as severe tomophobia

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    How hard did you hit your head man? I have had concussions and everything you described sounds like a symptom of a concussion to me.

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    • Peretty hard but I was told by my mom I dont have concussion because shes had concussions and when I googled the symptoms I had none except that I got a headache late in the evening and like those other symptoms lik brain fogginess happened almost a week later so idk

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