Is it normal i judge people based on the music they like

I find that most people have such shallow, bland taste in music. They listen to worthless stuff without meaningful, poetic lyrics or interesting, sexy psychedelic melodies and guitar riffs. A persons taste in music says everything about them. I never meet anyone who wants to discuss music history or who even knows it! Who doesn't know music history?!
I get very upset by this though I don't show it, it's as big of a pet peeve as when people cannot use proper language while texting.
Of course I tend to give someone a chance regardless but it's really boring to me if they aren't deeply invested in music, iconic bands and current indie bands so that we can discuss iconic bands influence on their sound and writing and go into depth on the meaning of specific songs as well as watching and studying their live performances. I did meet a guy like this once but he was somehow a pretentious douche. He had brilliant taste in music though, not gonna lie. I would've loved to stay in touch with him anyway so we could keep discussing music.

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42% Normal
Based on 19 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )

    Judging others for any reason is vain and egotistical. In fact, I would think that you’re the backward one if you think that rock music superior to classical music, but who am I to judge?

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    • I never said it was, I only said that's my preferred branch. Classical music has inspired plenty of rock bands who has added classical music pieces in their songs or simply taken inspiration from them as one would know if they knew their music history.

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  • Tommythecaty

    That is an incredibly flawed assessment of music.

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  • mouldiwarp

    You sound very pretentious. Music tastes aren’t 100% accurate indicators of a person’s intelligence or entire personality.

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  • Contrivance

    I'm obsessed with listening to music (keyword: listening). Sometimes I enjoy discussing and analyzing it too, or learning tidbits about its science or history. But all of this happens organically for me and not something I actively seek or crave. I have hundreds, maybe even a thousand, artists I like and plenty of genres, but I'm no stan of any artist nor music as a whole, nor do I want to be. I'm not competing with anyone, nor trying to prove anything, not even to myself. I'm not even trying to constantly find new artists or music to listen to. Two of my all-time favorite artists released new albums 3 years ago. I still haven't gotten to listening to them. By some people's "standards" a lot of this would be blasphemous. But I dont give a shit. I enjoy listening to music at my own pace with zero obligation. Music is very close to my heart and very few people I discuss or share it with because people often have a tendency to be so pedantic about something that they bastardize it.

    Maybe you should consider music forums. Or get a degree in it so you can learn about and discuss music that thoroughly and academically. Or find musicians, because they often are very well-versed about the science and history of music and will be happy to discuss like it were second nature.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    It's completely normal to want to find people who share your interests, and also normal to become frustrated when the majority of people you meet are very flippant about something you find interesting. Music taste doesn't give you a complete insight into somebody's personality, but it can give you some idea about who they are, e.g. people who have a very broad taste and a vested interest in discovering new music might take a similar approach to other things in life, not paying much mind to trends or what is currently being marketed to them.

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  • BCBB

    As you’re so interested in music and music history, can you play an instrument and which instruments can you play?

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  • megadriver

    I'm curious... judge me.

    I like Doo Wop, 50s an 60s rock, 70s to 90s metal/ heavy metal, I like Eurodance, 70s Disco and Bulgarian/ Greek chalga.

    If you need more info, drop a comment.

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  • Somenormie

    I get judged a lot but I do like to listen to other people's suggestions to make my taste better.

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