Is it normal i like "bad" music?

I'm not talking about pop music like Justin Beiber or anything. Mostly remixes, they'll have a considerable amount of thumbs-down and people commenting how terrible it is. Even one of my friends that I share my music with will ask how I can listen to such crap, but I don't understand. Here are a couple examples:

Fatboy Slim remix of Loser by Beck
Honestly it was a little harsh the first time I listened to it, but it grew on me.

Hitchhiker - 11
This one I get is kind of funny, but I love it!

I also like things that are supposedly "creepy" like this (DON'T WATCH IF YOU GET SCARED EASILY):

"WKCR Hijacking"

"Backwards Radio Station"

and lots more. is it normal to enjoy listening to this kind of stuff?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 30 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    There is no such thing as objectively bad music. One person's masterpiece is another's flop.

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  • ToiletHumor

    That remix of beck is fucking awesome though. also it has more likes than dislikes.

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  • VinnyB

    Do people seriously give a crap about how many thumbs down or negative comments a song has on the internet? What the hell does that have to do with if you like it or not?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You shouldn't worry about it. Your taste in music is normal.

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