Is it normal i like playing dress up and having my hair combed for hours?
My best friend Lilli likes to comb my hair becuase its so long. I admit that I like it its soothing and fun and we sit there for hours just her combing my hair and talking to me. I love fashion and have an exstensive wardrobe so she picks outfits out for me to try on. I have a vintage silken flame dress we like call it. Its really adorable. The waist up is red, strapless and botom is pearly white, scrunches at the waist, and knee length. I also have a ton of sundressesand matching hats, you know the big one's 4 summer with bows, so cute! One of my favorites is the stewardess outfit. I wish she could try them on with me but we differ vasly in size :(
I came her to ask if this was normal because one day were at her house and her borther came in to her room while I was modeling a terquoise leotard, pink belt and retro striped leg warmers, looked at her, and said "What's the mattel with you? Your too old to be playing dress up stupid." I was so embarrased I couldnt handler it I started crying.